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PROVIDING:  HOLISTIC NUTRITION COACHING 18+  Also, see my Services Page for Personal Training

Currently not taking new nutrition clients, please see my Self-Help Nutrition Guidehttps://aj-macomber.com/new-holistic-nutrition-self-help-documents/


      Certified Holistic & Sports Nutritionist

🍵 Hi! So awesome to have you visit! My name is Anna-Jane, most call me “AJ“. Importantly, I am here to encourage you to not let the space between where you are now and where you want to be overwhelm you. Instead, I hope to illuminate your path to take steps that inspire and energize you to the healthy place you want to be! I focus on optimizing health and performance through focusing on Whole Foods, with a strong emphasis on Plants to fuel the body & mind. Don’t worry, if there is something you cannot give up, we can work with that! Hey, if Plan-A didn’t work, the alphabet has 25 more letters!  Sometimes it can be a slow process, but quitting won’t speed it up, right?  Remember, what appears over years will not disappear in one night. The great thing is, we have more control over our health than most realize. “Food is not just calories, it is information. It talks to your DNA and tells it what to do”. -Dr. Mark Hyman. Below, I share passionately with you why eating healthy is so important along with a glimpse into my nutrition coaching approach. As a Holistic Nutrition Coach, my purpose is to guide you in your journey towards greater health, wellness, and energy! Please also check out my About Me page to learn a little more about my background and qualifications. You can also find my Nutrition Coaching Services page under the Main Menu! 


I AM HERE TO ENCOURAGE WITH EVIDENCE-BASED INFORMATION: Experts suggest that healthy eating has the potential to not only prevent but possibly reverse some of our leading causes of death including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and more! Experts have suggested that only about 10% +/- of our genes may and sometimes may not determine our health destiny. With strong evidence pointing to what we eat may control which genes are activated or not- seriously. It’s not always that high blood pressure or high cholesterol that is passed down the family tree, but more likely the family recipes…… “What we eat every day is a far more powerful determinant of your health than your DNA or most of the nasty chemicals lurking in your environment” -Dr. Colin Campbel.  “Genetics loads the gun but environment pulls the trigger” -Dr. Mark Hyman  It is what we allow our genes to bathe in that could determine what develops and grows. It is like seeds that have been planted within us, and we have the power to either water them or let them dissolve… Most of us cannot outrun a bad diet….. Most of us here in America have an astounding array of foods to choose from, but most of us are undernourished and confused with the ambiguous information out there. Only about 3% of Americans have a healthy lifestyle… Knowledge is power and with the most up-to-date science at our fingertips, empowerment to a healthier human race is on the way if we can just learn how to go back to basics. Going back to basics does not mean boring! Check out the rest of my website for ideas!


Detox ombre layered matcha green tea chia seed pudding. Topped w/coconut whipped cream 

POWER TO HEAL WITH FOODS: Many health experts believe that eating more whole foods is the best approach to improving health! This is because whole foods have been perfectly arranged by Mother Nature! Whole foods– like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes (beans, peas, lentils),  tubers, nuts, and seeds- retain their fiber as well as the whole body of beneficial phytonutrients, antioxidants and other nutrients that are often removed in processed foods. Whole foods are foods that still look like they did when they were growing in nature- unprocessed like a tomato or a pineapple. Another example is food that has not been altered during food manufacturing or only minimally processed, free from artificial substances, like home-made applesauce, a green smoothie, or brown rice pasta.

Even the famous Greek doctor, Hippocrates, stated – “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food”. Over the last century, this instinctive ability has been virtually misplaced in the midst of the developments in medicine and food science and a ravaging “I am too busy mentality”. Nor do we have “time to be sick”. As a society, we are no longer truly nourishing ourselves with food. Instead, we have adopted into our daily diet pre-packaged and overly processed, altered, fake “incomplete” foods over real food. This causes us much more harm than we could have ever dreamed of. “The vast majority of illnesses we suffer from are simply side effects of the bad food we eat”. -Dr. Baxter Montgomery  The studies are riveting!!! To truly heal ourselves, we need to reconnect with REAL, whole, nutrient-dense foods and eat the way nature intended. There is typically no one out there that has a perfect diet 100% of the time, including me. However, I will encourage you to be the best you. It’s about striving for realistic excellence for ourselves and not about perfection for others. I want to harbor and amplify your own natural motivation for change whether it is because you want to be a good role model for your children, you want to be healthier, or just simply feel better…The cool thing is, you are in the driver’s seat, I am just here to help and amplify the focus on Whole Foods (No, not Whole Foods Market, well it can be, but that is not what I mean). 


MY APPROACH WITH HABITS:  I hope to assist you in making informed choices about which behaviors to change and whether or not to change the behavior(s) at all. I can help you learn about healthy options and offer possible strategies while keeping in mind that you know best with what will fit in your life and what you are willing to tackle. Sometimes it is more attainable to make one choice at a time and ask yourself if this new choice is something you see yourself sustaining over the next 2 years, 5 years, etc. When you feel good about your choices, your energy expands to a happier and more resilient state. I want to make it easier for you. There seems to be a TON of contradicting information out there which can cause great confusion on what to do. Hey – I get it, even salt looks like sugar. Many of our habits are learned behaviors, but it is possible to learn new ones without focusing so much on willpower, but rather creating an environment conducive to acquiring new behaviors. It takes about 30 days to create a new habit. It is not a one-size-fits-all, these plans for you need to be tailored specifically to you and it will depend on what level of wellness you would like to practice and pursue. You are in control and even if you have goals, those goals can change, it’s okay. You may come with some things in mind and leave with other things, more things, fewer things, simple things, challenging things! You have autonomy and control in what you decide to do for yourself!

MEAL PLAN? HERE ARE MY THOUGHTS– My goal is to promote wellness and give you the tools to be independent in your journey after our time comes to a close. I will teach you how to transform your meals, and not necessarily have you follow a formulated meal plan per se. Why? What happens when you want to grab dinner with a friend, but your next meal consists of 4 oz of chicken breast, 1/2 sweet potato and 1 cup of broccoli? What happens when the 30-day meal plan is over? It can be much easier! I will teach you how to transform your meals by helping you identify foods wisely with freedom! I’ll teach you how to fish rather than give you the fish. Yes, there are absolutely times where meal plans are ideal, especially for those stepping on stage like a bodybuilder. However, not necessarily needed in general. It’s about eating smarter, eating healthier and living freely! “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”


JUDGEMENT FREE: I’m human too and have always loved the quote “please feel free to judge me when you are perfect”. This is a judge-free zone. Let us make this fun, work hard and let us get healthy together!



Delicious berry smoothie with kiwi, strawberry, and raspberry in pineapple. Healthy plant-based raw food.

NUTRITION COMMUNICATION EXCHANGE DISCLAIMER NOTICE: Recipients should seek medical advice and be closely monitored by their physician or a licensed health care professional before starting or continuing any lifestyle changes such as but not limited to, dietary changes, supplement changes, or physical activity changes, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions. You should read any information provided by the product manufacture and any product label or packaging prior to using any medication, nutritional, herbal, food, homeopathic or other products. Certain medications may have contraindications with introducing or continuing any supplemental or dietary changes, and that medications may need adjustments before and/or during your lifestyle changes. Adverse effects may lead to permanent damage or death if your medication(s) and/or healthcare needs are not properly monitored and amended between you and your physician. Do not disregard or delay medical advice or treatment because of any nutrition-related information that has been shared with you. Your decisions regarding your health and wellness are ultimately your own responsibility and the information provided is not to be taken as absolute nor is it a substitute for your medical care. Nutritional or supplemental suggestions including information that may be provided directly or by linking to a third-party, or any affiliates are intended for your general nutrition-related information and education only and will not be held accountable for the use or misuse of any suggestions described therein. Any mention of a specific brand name is not an endorsement of the product. Please note that, over time, currency and completeness of the information may change. These services or information provided do not promise or guarantee protection from past, present or future illnesses and it should not be construed as dispensing medical advice or claiming to diagnose, treat, prevent, mitigate, prescribe, or cure any diseases, conditions, mental or physical, real or imaginary and that it is not a substitute for regular medical or psychological care.