Nutrition Announcement as it relates to a critical nutrient deficiency on the rise…

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics states iodine is a critical nutrient. As “iodine deficiency is the leading cause of intellectual disability around the world”. They also mention “with a trend of eating less iodized table salt, dairy, bread, etc. that experts are concerned about iodine deficiency being on the rise again”.

Natural sources of dietary iodine come from seaweed, saltwater fish, and/or seafood. However, getting too much iodine can be just as detrimental to our health! Iodine is one of the key players in our thyroid health, brain health, energy levels, metabolic rate, immunity, and more!

Published April 2021 by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, it is recommended by the IOM that 14 yrs. and older consume 150 micrograms per day. You can read their article here to learn more.  Side note: Adding Sea vegetables such as Dulsi Flakes (seaweed) to your food (or hide in a smoothie) and/or Nori are excellent natural sources of iodine. Not to be confused with Kelp. Kelp can provide an enormous amount of iodine at once and cause serious health concerns. It’s been stated to also not consume hiziki as well. Also, you may already be getting iodine, double check any supplements you already take to make sure you don’t get too much. It’s a fine balance…Watch this quick clip to learn more.

As always, do not take my word for it, review the above links from the experts and discuss with your healthcare provider. The article is a quick read, and the clip is very quick to watch. Please take the time to review.

If you want to know how this helped me personally, I’m happy to share.