Low Back Pain connected to Nutrition?

Do you or know someone that has Low Back Pain, but findings have been inconclusive? Not really sure why it hurts?

This could be something contributing to it. Listen to these super quick clips below…

And try not to be uninterested by the clip titles, and here is why...

They are finding out now that half of patients even with “ideal cholesterol” with no symptoms of any sorts have underlying risks that effect not just the heart, but our brain (stroke, Alzheimer’s), and sexual disfunction (ED)…It’s all connected, and this is why I want people to know about how circulation can affect the back creating pain. It can be a big deal. They are finding by the age of 49 years, 97% of discs showed at least Grade II degeneration for those eating the SAD.

And yes, there are ways to help this! Just a side note – I have even read pieces of autopsy reports from so-called healthy skinny marathon runners who have dropped dead of a heart attack (RIP)… I’ll post an article about people having so-called normal cholesterol levels contributing to underlying heart and other organ risks below the video clips if it’s of interest.

1.) https://youtu.be/Ndqn2cQ1t5w

2.) https://youtu.be/vG44nMXpTrQ


There are some really great books out there that can help steer folks in the right direction. Even our local Cardiology Center includes a program that is helping people reverse heart disease (which help our other organs) with just certain lifestyle practices. If you want a couple books to read, message me and I’ll shoot you some names. If you need other resources, let me know. I want people to have good quality of life man! Like anything, reach out to your doctor, review these clips from Dr. Greger with them.

P.S. Did you know that having low Vit D may also be a contributor to LBP? Have you checked your levels lately with your doc?