Why supplementing with B12 is imperative for Plant-Based eaters, and possibly Others despite their diet choices.

Updated: What I’ve learned from experts/read below regarding B12:

It is important to know that insufficient B12 levels can possibly lead to severe health complications. Some examples may include but are not limited to – brain damage, vision loss, muscle weakness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, gastrointestinal distress, anemia, nerve damage, stroke, problems walking, etc., etc. These can be very serious conditions possibly leading to permanent disabling damages or death!

Experts say it’s required that anyone over the age of 50 (despite diet choices) or anyone that is on a Plant-Based type diet (at just about any age) along with other stipulations should supplement with B12. For adults, it’s been shared that Cyanocobalamin 50mcg per day would be ideal. Check with your physician for proper dosage for those under the age of 18 years old. B12 dosages may also vary depending on other factors (certain conditions, and post certain surgeries) despite age and diet – please confirm with your medical provider and watch this quick clip from Dr. Michael Greger for more important info. https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-optimal-vitamin-b12-dosage-for-adults/

Our bodies do not make Vitamin B12, making it essential to get it through supplements and/or our food. Sometimes animal products themselves do not have enough B12 which is the reason why those who even eat meat, poultry, eggs, etc. and are over the age of 50 should consider taking B12 no matter their diet routine. Even cows that are not grass-fed also need a B12 supplement. The older we get, the harder it is to absorb this vitamin.  Sometimes we can eat food that is fortified with B12 as well which Dr. Greger mentions in his video above.

B12 is from bacteria. Animals consume dirt which is full of bacteria, through the unwashed plants and non-chlorinated water they consume. We as humans, rarely eat anything unwashed as we practice safe food handling and preparation procedures to prevent foodborne illnesses, resulting in the need to supplement.

Dosages may vary for individuals, even for those 65 and older. Please see this quick clip for more as it relates to optimal dosage for kids, pregnancy, and seniors from expert Dr. Michael Greger!


Again, this is from experts linked to this post, do your research, always check with your medical provider for proper dosing and possibly any other things you may need to consider…