Resources for Balancing Hormones, especially but not limited to Menopausal Symptoms.

Natural Approach to decreasing Menopausal symptoms through how we fuel our body.

With emphasis on more plant-based whole foods (veggies, fruits, tubers, legumes, whole grains, healthy plant fats (avocado, flax & chia, other nuts & seeds) are remarkably helpful! Along with decreasing animal products, processed foods (even oils, white flours, refined sugars), and alcohol (especially beer) has been profoundly helpful in reducing menopausal symptoms naturally. This way of fueling our bodies has been shown to help in all stages of life to assist with hormonal balance. Did you know that all animal tissue carries hormones including dairy which if we have too much can override our own?

Tip – “two teaspoons worth of ground flaxseeds a day alone can significantly decrease menopausal symptoms to about the same extent as hormone replacement therapy, but without the side effects.” Listen to this quick clip here to learn more –

Soy has been recognized as a very powerful legume to assist w/symptoms. BUT – The type of Soy does matter!

There is still some antiquated information still being used and disseminated in both the medical field and in the general-public about the controversy of soy (which was based on mostly animal studies). Animal studies have been helpful in the pursuit of many questions… BUT, they discovered that once they started doing human studies, they then realized the compound in soybeans called “isoflavones” metabolizes “very” differently in humans vs rodents. This changed a lot of what we used to know about soy. It has only been fairly recently that we have a new understanding of this. Now making it a desirable bean to include back into our diets due to the powerful impact on these types of symptoms amongst other health benefits without many of the concerns we used to have! Did you know that soy is a complete protein? But the type of soy still does matter! Watch this –

Who shouldn’t eat Soy?

This will surprise you.

Thyroid/Testosterone/Cancers/Menopause/etc… As mentioned above they discovered that once they incorporated human studies…they then realized the compound in soy called “isoflavones” metabolizes “very” differently in humans vs rodents. Changing a lot of what we used to know about soy on how it impacts the thyroid, cancers, bone health, cholesterol, and the bodybuilding world. In this interview below, they touch upon soy and thyroid health, testosterone in men and much more. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine is trying to get this updated information communicated to the medical community and general-public to keep everyone abreast. Just soy alone has over 50,000 studies. So, it’s a lot to keep up on. It’s even good info for men to watch as well as they to can benefit from this natural legume.

What about Breast Cancer survivors? 

Watch this-

Hot Flashes! More on that here along with phytoestrogens for Hot Flashes!

There is a very helpful BOOK you can read called: Your Body In Balance The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health

It’s a very helpful guide and takes a look into – “how common hormone-related conditions—like infertility, weight gain, menopausal symptoms, breast and prostate cancers, thyroid problems, and acne—can be affected by and improved by simple diet changes”. To learn more about the book, author, and testimonials go to their link at


Have you ever heard of the “Blue Zones”? No not the blue zone diet that we used to hear about!

Blue zones are places in the world where people have been identified to live longer and healthier lives anywhere else on earth! Typically to around 100 years old! The impressive part and why they have been classified under the “blue zones” is that most of them live without medications, chronic diseases, cancers, or disability. So what is the common denominator between all of these locations across the world?

The Original Blue Zones listed were (there may be more):

🔸Okinawa, Japan

🔸Ikaria island, Greece

🔸Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica

🔸Loma Linda, California

🔸Sardinia island, Italy

The five regions in Europe, Latin America, Asia and the U.S. have been identified as having the highest concentrations of centenarians in the world! Okay, okay – Common denominator? They do not eat virtually any processed foods and they consume about 90-95% (some 100%) of mostly whole plant-based foods! On occasion, “small” portions of wild-caught fish, free-roaming meat, etc. Plus they incorporate other amazing lifestyle practices. But as it relates to food…

Check out this quick Clip on the Blue Zones! 🔵

Notice any similarities of what was discussed above and how it relates to the Blue Zones too?

If you missed my blog about: Why supplementing with B12 is imperative for plant-based eaters and likely others despite their diet choices (meat/fish/eggs etc.). See if you need to be doing this. Otherwise this deficiency could lead to severe health complications.

Also, if you didn’t see my blog on: Nutrition Announcement Critical Nutrient Deficiency on the Rise! Read this –

Updated/ADDED: 10/27/22

Looking to optimize your health? Here are some more of my Top Resources to keep learning! It is important to do what works for you, listen to your body, stay connected with your healthcare provider and never stop learning!

Disclaimer: Everyone should seek medical advice and be closely monitored by their physician or a licensed health care professional before starting or continuing any lifestyle changes such as but not limited to – dietary changes, supplement changes, or physical activity changes, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions. You should read any information provided by the product manufacture and any product label or packaging prior to using any medication, nutritional, herbal, food, homeopathic or other products. Certain medications may have contraindications with introducing or continuing any supplemental or dietary changes, and that medications may need adjustments before and/or during your lifestyle changes. Adverse effects may lead to permanent damage or death if your medication(s) and/or healthcare needs are not properly monitored and amended between you and your physician. Do not disregard or delay medical advice or treatment because of any nutrition-related information that has been shared with you. Your decisions regarding your health and wellness are ultimately your own responsibility and the information provided is not to be taken as absolute nor is it a substitute for your medical care. Nutritional or supplemental suggestions including information that may be provided directly or by linking to a third-party, or any affiliates are intended for your general nutrition-related information and education only and will not be held accountable for the use or misuse of any suggestions described therein. Any mention of a specific brand name is not an endorsement of the product. Please note that, over time, currency and completeness of the information may change. These services or information provided do not promise or guarantee protection from past, present or future illnesses and it should not be construed as dispensing medical advice or claiming to diagnose, treat, prevent, mitigate, prescribe, or cure any diseases, conditions, mental or physical, real or imaginary and that it is not a substitute for regular medical or psychological care.