AJ’s Holiday Cookies

These are organic, dairy-free, grain-free, refined-sugar-free treats! Enjoy!

Bake: 350 degrees x 10 minutes – Use Large Cookie sheet with Parchment paper (non-bleached).


  • 1 Cup Almond Flour (pack-down when measuring)
  • ¾ Cup Coconut Sugar
  • ½ Cup of Crunchy Peanut Butter
  • ½ Cup of Cashew Butter
  • ½ Tbs of 100% Vanilla Extract
  • ½ tsp of Himalayan Pink Salt
  • ½ tsp of Baking Soda
  • 2 Large Eggs
  • 1 Cup of Evolved Chocolate Chips
  • Hu Chocolate Gems, you’ll add 1 on top of each cookie!


Whisk the Eggs and Vanilla Extract well.

Add Coconut Sugar & Almond Flour.

Add Baking Soda & Salt.

Add Peanut & Cashew Butter.

Mix well, then fold in the chocolate chips.

Use a Tablespoon to scoop out each cookie and space evenly on cookie sheet (They expand quite a bit).

Then add one Hu Chocolate Gem to the middle of each cookie, press into middle.

Note: The brands of butters & chocolate chips/gems I have pictured below seem to be the best texture & taste. Also, I love that they are organic with simple ingredients. Highly recommend! I’ve tried other brands, and it doesn’t come out quite the same. Still awesome, but found this combo is the bomb! If you can’t find such brands at your local grocery store, natural food store, or Whole Foods store…Amazon it!