Powerful link between Nutrition & Hormonal Imbalances, PCOS, Hormonal Acne, Terrible Periods, and Endometriosis

Hormonal imbalances, PCOS, hormonal acne, terrible periods, endometriosis – so many things us Ladies have and continue to endure. Since March is National Endometriosis Awareness Month, I feel compelled to share that there is a helpful powerful link between nutrition and endometriosis along with other hormonal imbalances.
About 1 in 10 women have endometriosis and it can lead to infertility, cardiac disease, and a continued cascade of things that may follow. Yes, there are other things that can contribute to this besides nutrition. But nutrition is POWERFUL, maybe even more so than people realize and could be the one thing standing in their way to feeling better! Did you know that experts have recently been intrigued by the dietary habits of Japanese women? They have the lowest reported rates of endometriosis, ovarian cancer, and other reproductive concerns in the WORLD! I’ve encompassed some of the things they do below. I will also list some foods/drinks that are healing to endometriosis, help with balancing hormones, and to the body as a whole. I’ll discuss one special food item that could be key and could likely be used as a “supplement” to assist with pain associated with endometriosis. My wish is that what I have learned from experts and now sharing with you in this field will only help. As there have been many ladies that have decreased their symptoms, and I understand some have cleared endometriosis just by their lifestyle! If you’re willing to try new things, fail and keep trying, have patience, and have struggled enough… Then have a look below to see if this is right for you. Like anything, speak to your doctor first to ensure these changes are okay for you (please see my disclaimer). Now let’s get into it. This is just a starting point…
What is Step One?
Reduce excess estrogen circulating in the liver via what we fuel our bodies with. Endometriosis is fed and dependent on excess estrogen. Yes, on the flip side estrogen is extremely important, and we need it to be healthy. But a lot of times the food and environment we saturate ourselves with can create quite the excess = imbalance. This is also not just a concern with endometriosis, it is a concern if you have terrible periods, have PMS, hormonal acne, and other things. There are a lot of similar things one can do just through food alone. Estrogen imbalance can also affect the gut lining, increase permeability of the gut creating leaky gut, or just simply increase digestive issues. Excess estrogen holds onto fat cells, especially in the abdomen, and the more fat cells we carry, the fat cells will then make more estrogen (it’s a catch 22). Also, if we don’t take care of our stress level and we are constantly cranking up our cortisol (even with coffee) can have a major domino effect. Increased cortisol can increase insulin, can drop blood sugar too low, then trick our brains that we crave things that will not nourish us. I’ll talk about coffee later as you will be surprised how much it can affect hormones, especially in women!
Worst Foods and products that increase estrogen exponentially and contribute to worsened symptoms of endometriosis and other ailments. Here are some things to avoid.
We need to decrease “phthalate” exposure: these are hormone disrupting plastics and chemicals stored in even in our plastic water bottles we drink from (major endocrine disruptors)! Did you know that a lot of foods we eat have phthalates in them nowadays? It has become a huge concern and major negative contributor to disrupting our endocrine system. Here is a small list to start, plus more that contributes to increasing endocrine concerns.
Non-organic foods: mass-factory farmed meats and farmed fish are loaded with additional hormones, and carry phthalates, even non-organic plant foods are loaded with chemicals and pesticides. These have been shown to increase estrogen not just in women, but men too. And not the estrogen we want…Yes even some “organic whole foods” have been shown to have “some” pesticides. It’s due to the wind blowing them from conventional farms to the organic ones…But going organic will decrease your exposure tremendously, plus the soil they use will bump up the nutrients in that food. If you’re on a budget, avoid the dirty dozen (produce labeled with the most pesticides/or just get them organic) or get the clean 15 even when not organic = check the list yearly. A quick google search will get you there.
Also Avoid:
Alcohol (especially beer). There are certain times this can be enjoyed on the occasion. But not during the healing phases…This is a big one, avoid it.
Caffeine (especially coffee) – I’ll talk more about that below. It is a big deal! Sorry.
Dairy (all, even organic, even dairy-yogurts) men and women nowadays are getting an increase of about 60-80% of extra estrogen through dairy. How? Plastic tubing used to “milk the cows” and depending on what they feed or inject the cows with as well. This is a big one!
Red meat (can exacerbate symptoms). Another big one.
Refined sugar & carbohydrates (especially white sugars and flour). Yup.
Artificial sweeteners – likely obvious due to the word “artificial”, get migraines? – These can increase that! Anything artificial, our body doesn’t recognize and will exacerbate symptoms.
Trans fat (found in ultra-processed foods)
Most processed foods (some exceptions)
Poultry (all chicken even if organic) has high levels of phthalates.
Drinking from plastic (phthalate and other endocrine disrupting chemicals).
Tap water (another topic)
I would even consider things you are putting on your skin, washing your clothes with, and products you clean or fragrance yourself or your home with (whole other topic for another day)
Coffee: Who doesn’t love it? I sure do, but you may want to consider replacing it while you’re healing. Or decreasing it exponentially and just as an occasional treat after the healing process. And if you do, always on a full stomach! Always, always organic! Why? Conventional coffee beans are largely produced in mass quantities that contain high amounts of mold and mycotoxins and are one of the most heavily sprayed crops with pesticides. Side note – some people will feel an improved difference in their arthritis and clearer skin (including eczema) by switching to organic.
It has been shown that those who avoid caffeine, especially coffee, have made a dramatic shift in how they feel when dealing with endo. Did you know that it is recommended that women don’t consume caffeine when pregnant or breastfeeding? I understand it can increase miscarriages by almost 75%. As it relates to this topic, it can shoot up cortisol, decrease fertility rate, depletes B Vitamins & Magnesium which are crucial for hormonal balance! And that is what we are shooting for, “hormone balance” through our cycle. Did you know that about 90% of women don’t process caffeine correctly? It depends on our CYP1A2 gene. Story for a different time. Too much caffeine can increase the tendency of the breast and ovaries to produce cysts as well. Sometimes even breast tenderness is increased by caffeine. I’ll talk about a natural coffee alternative used in Traditional Mayan Superfood options. Ever heard of Maya Nuts? Stay tuned.
What are some foods that we should focus on for healing?
Emphasis on more fresh whole organic plant-based foods (veggies, fruits, legumes, tubers (especially sweet potatoes), whole grains, healthy plant fats (avocado, walnuts, ground flaxseed, chia, and other nuts & seeds) are remarkably helpful! Think homemade, learn to cook! It will be a superpower of yours!
Increase fiber – this may take a while for your body to adjust to, increase flatulence, cramps, etc., but it will be worth the patience as your gut microbiome balances out. More fiber = increased fertility and balanced hormones. Beans, beans, beans…
It will be important to frontload your meals with fresh veggies and fruit. Ya know, like back in the day when one would have a hardy salad as an appetizer before the main meal. This will assist with absorbing nutrients, preparing the digestive tract, and to help balance blood sugar. If it’s too much of a hassle, just make it a priority to include fresh and cooked veggies and/or fresh fruit with every-single-meal. It has a tremendous positive impact on our overall health.
For meat or eggs, just one serving a day. If you have eggs for breakfast, make the rest of the day plants. It would even be good to have meatless, animal-free-days to ensure we don’t overload our bodies with “their” hormones. Ensure animal products are organic, free-roaming, and grass-fed. You don’t want to eat factory farmed animal products. They are fed GMO soy and corn. Also, they are given many supplements and hormones to keep them edible and tasty, but not nourishing to us. A lot of times these animals become sickly…I would look at wild caught salmon, and organic turkey as some options. Beans and lentils are an excellent source of nutrients, fiber, and protein!
Drink filtered water.
Instead of plastic, drink from glass (mason jars work) or stainless steel.
Here are some very specific things to consider consuming that will help eliminate and remove excess estrogen within our liver creating havoc on the endocrine system. These are POWERFUL!!!!
2 TBSP of Organic Ground Flaxseed daily – helps to bind excess estrogen and remove it from the gut. It is high in healthy omega fasts, improves digestion, decreases sugar cravings, and is a potent seed to balance hormones!
2 Cups Cruciferous Veggies (Broccoli, Kale, etc.) These have a specific phytonutrient called sulforaphane. This is crucial for liver detoxification to eliminate the excess estrogen. Plus, it helps neutralize cancer cells.
¼ Cup of Fresh Cilantro – Powerful liver detoxifier to eliminate excess estrogen.
1 Cup of Organic Soy milk – please read if you are worried about soy, this will arm you with important information. https://aj-macomber.com/2022/10/27/resources-for-menopause/ See article for full explanation as there are new “human studies”. The right “kind” of soy is what matters in most cases. It would be worth the read due to antiquated info out there.
Want to make this into a smoothie, this could likely serve as two servings (choose all organic). All chosen for a reason. I would recommend experimenting and trying this daily for 3 weeks leading up to your period. And especially two weeks before your period as that is when our estrogen naturally increases, and we may need the help from powerful foods to rid any excess estrogen contributing to the uncomfortable symptoms.
Certainly, add ice or more filtered water as you see fit for palatability.
- 1 Cup of Flaxseed milk or Soy milk
- 2 TBSP of Ground Flaxseed
- Broccoli
- Kale
- Cilantro
- 1 Cup of frozen mixed berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, cranberries)
- Banana
- 1 Medjool date (pitted)
- Couple dashes of Black Pepper
- 1/8 tsp of Turmeric powder
- 1/8 tsp of Ginger powder
- 1/8 tsp of Cinnamon
** ¼-1/2 tsp of Bladderwrack. This is the supplement I was referring to that I understand a lot of women have had a powerful response to! It has helped many women decrease their pain and help rid excess estrogen. It is a natural brown alga that has a unique phytonutrient not found on land! Check with your doctor first as it is also high in iodine. If we consume too much iodine containing foods and you have a thyroid concern or on thyroid medicine, there could be a major contraindication. We must be careful not to consume or take too much even without thyroid issues! It would be worth exploring with your doc, as it is a powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, antioxidant, aids in digestion and assists with pain! Usually, it can be found at natural food stores or online. Be picky and find quality. Typically, 1/4-1/2 tsp is all one would need in a day.
You could also add oatmeal (no quick oats) and rice protein as a gentle additive to make your smoothie into a meal. Or do what I do, add a serving of chickpeas. These beans hide well in smoothies. Check out NutriBiotic Organic Rice Protein and I would recommend organic steel cut or old-fashioned rolled oats.
Snack on pumpkin seeds and Walnuts (excellent source of magnesium, zinc, healthy fats and much more!)
1-2 Brazil nuts/day. Too much can give you too much selenium. But we need it!
Let’s talk about a possible Coffee alternative:
Maya Nuts aka Ramon Seeds: The flavor is much like coffee with chocolate notes. It’s technically a seed and not a nut. I have come across a brand called Teeccino and they do carry some organic tea bags that have this Ramon seed. It is quite delicious, no caffeine, but naturally energizes you and tastes like coffee. If you are addicted to coffee/caffeine, you may need to wean yourself off and not go cold turkey. I would check it out, mostly found at Natural food stores and of course online!
So, what steps can you start with today? Pick away at it, even if it’s just starting with that smoothie every morning. Maybe it is switching out the coffee and caffeine type drinks. I’m wishing anyone the best healing! Keep learning, keep digging, keep trying! You got this!
References and more resources available upon request.
And you may also be interested in learning: https://aj-macomber.com/2023/01/14/why-supplementing-with-b12-is-imperative-for-plant-based-eaters-and-possibly-others-despite-their-diet-choices/
And also if you missed my other blog on: https://aj-macomber.com/2023/01/14/nutrition-announcement-as-it-relates-to-a-critical-nutrient-deficiency-on-the-rise/
Disclaimer: AJ Macomber is not a Medical Doctor, Practitioner, or a Licensed Registered Dietitian. AJM is not here for medical diagnostics, treatment procedures, nutrition therapy, etc. You should seek medical advice and be closely monitored by your physician or a licensed health care professional before choosing to start or continue any lifestyle changes such as but not limited to dietary changes, supplemental changes, or physical activity changes, especially if you may be pregnant, or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions.