Thoughts on OZEMPIC (aka GLP-1 Drug) for weight-loss and NATURAL ways you can do it yourself!

Did you know that we have a naturally occurring hormone in our body called GLP-1? You have probably heard of weight-loss drugs called Ozempic and other GLP-1 agonists drugs (agonists meaning they mimic the action of the hormone by binding to GLP-1 receptors) in our body for weight-loss. But did you know that you can increase your own GLP-1 naturally and very effectively without drugs or supplements? In my blog I break down how you can increase your GLP-1 naturally along with some science on how our gut-brain connection work together. Along with some other thoughts…
Our gastrointestinal tract is the largest hormone-secreting gland in our body. Which plays an integral role in metabolism like blood sugar/insulin regulation and energy expenditure. Experts have discovered that about 1 in every 100 cells that line our digestive tract functions as a nutrient sensor and can secrete hormones such as GLP-1. Which stands for glucagon-like-peptide-1. GLP-1 not only lines our intestines, but they are also secreted in our brain. When our hormones are functioning well, it tells our brain to suppress appetite and cravings in appropriate levels. So yes, what you nourish your body with will have a huge impact on your hormones, metabolic health, and what people seem to be interested in lately…appetite and cravings to manage body composition.
You can be prescribed an injection like Ozempic with a lot of risks to seriously consider, including death, cancer, bowel obstructions, soiling yourself uncontrollably, pancreatitis (which some women have reported it to be more painful than childbirth), major muscle loss, increasing frailty, and much more. And in the US, you’ll pay over $1,000 a month for this weekly injection compared to those in Germany who pay $59/mo. Yes, there are insurances looking into this currently. According to some of the material I have uncovered on this pharmaceutical, the risks vs benefits seem to be quite scary on the risk side of things. Not something I would encourage my clients to look into taking whatsoever, unless it has been carefully vetted through a thoughtful provider that feels there is a medical necessity only (not just for vanity purposes) and has YOUR best interest at heart. I just would be so worried about their health and safety otherwise. Especially since the good news is – there are other ways of adjusting our metabolism if someone is willing to do the work! Heck some people gain weight from this drug. Like anything, the first line of defense should be striving for lifestyle changes before looking into exogenous means. Listen, there is no judgement from me if that is someone’s route of method, people have free will to do what is best for themselves. I digress…
So how do we do it naturally you ask? If you feel your metabolism is stuck, it is valuable to consider making changes in the quality of food and/or the amount of fiber consumed. Also, GLP-1 secretion does not just depend on what we eat, but how we eat. When we go through the proper mastication process “chewing our food” and not drinking our calories, makes a massive impact. When we take our time and eat our food slowly and thoroughly (chewing our food 30-40 chews with each bite) – that naturally increases the secretion of GLP-1. You’ve probably heard, don’t drink your calories (or eat ultra-processed foods) as it will land on the hips. Even eating an apple (about 5 grams of fiber) vs drinking apple juice (small amount of fiber at 0.5 grams) makes all the difference in the world. Shoot for whole foods! But why does this happen, you ask?
Well, a lot of times our GLP-1 fails because most of the food we eat nowadays like processed foods and specifically foods without fiber absorb quickly into the beginning of our small intestines. Why does that matter? Because our GLP-1 secreting cells are concentrated at the “END” of our small intestines. In order to reach the end of the small intestines, we need fiber rich foods (but not Metamucil though) to get there! If we focus on whole plant-based foods as the foundation of our meals such as beans, tubers (squash, potatoes), groats, sprouted grains, fruits, veggies (greens like spinach), and mushrooms… it will make its way further down the digestive tract to work as nature intended with our GLP-1 hormones! Boom! Even spicing up your dishes with cinnamon, curcumin, and cayenne can also have a positive impact on GLP-1! The other cool thing about high fiber foods, is that the fiber itself traps some of the calories consumed and flushes them out of our system including toxins! Have inflammation in the body? Eat fiber-rich foods! Don’t like the taste of some of the fiber-rich foods, keep trying them… our taste buds change over time, and you may acquire a taste for it after 10-14 days!
Side note: A lot of food offered today has had their nutrients and fiber stripped. It truly does matter what we nourish ourselves with. Think about this, it is understood that about 70-80% of our immune system is in our gut. About 90% of serotonin is made up in our gut as well – which is responsible for assisting our body with sleep, happier mood, sexual desire and function, digestion and much more. We have a fiber and nutrient deficiency, even though we overeat. It’s about choosing food that nature intended us to consume. Over 95% of Americans are deficient in fiber and we wonder why we are unwell or have sticky metabolisms… This nutrient is essential for a healthy diet, key in toxin removal, bad cholesterol removal, lowering the risks of heart disease, diabetes, weight management, balancing hormones, decreasing inflammation, and some cancers. How much fiber? Read this: Along with this!
If you’d like to learn more about consuming a diet based on whole plant-based foods (that does not necessarily mean animal-free), it means the majority and base of every meal. Check out my self-help holistic nutrition guide that dives into optimizing your health, body composition, and performance! I also talk about what to expect if one is not used to a high fiber diet. One may need to take it slow and gradually build their fiber intake.
If you want to learn more about the risks and benefits of GLP-1 drugs, read the book from Dr. Michael Greger called OZEMPIC risks, benefits, and natural alternatives to GLP-1 weight-loss drugs.
Cravings… Did you know that we have actual taste receptors in our gut? Having diversity in fiber-rich foods not only influences your intestines, but as I eluded above, specifically, microbes have been shown to alter the neurotransmitters in our brains. Which can manipulate our food cravings, influencing our food choices. Certain little microbes are asking you to feed it, literally. They are sneaky little dudes. So yes, your gut flora is sending you some serious messages to your brain to give it (insert whatever desired craving) as there are actual taste receptors in your gut. You can change your cravings fairly quickly by simply (I didn’t say easy) not consuming them consistently for a few days. Depending on how well you treat your garden aka gut, it can take up to weeks and sometimes months to fully be without that craving. But with consistency, you CAN get there. What happens is the bacteria asking you for more of those craved foods/drinks, they eventually die off without you giving it what it wants.
What is pretty cool is just by improving our digestive health, even without a calorie deficit or increased exercise (which by the way is not always the answer for weight loss) … One can naturally lose inches by a healthier microbiome! Fiber rich foods are like Miracle-grow for your gut flora! Think of things like legumes, artichokes, garlic, onions, greens, sweet potatoes, bananas, strawberries, etc.
Did you know that if we don’t have enough of certain probiotics (our bacteria in our guts), such as the lactobacilli strain, some folks can have more anxiety, worsened sleep and even higher heart rate? But when restored, our mood can improve, so don’t forget your foods with live cultures! This may include things like yogurt, pickles, sauerkraut, and sourdough! If you are pregnant, please check with your OB before consuming. Like anything, always check with your provider before trying a new lifestyle change. Side note: There are mixed reviews on probiotics, so try to get your dose from organic foods. More on that at another time…
Update 1/27/25 – For more info on Probiotics see blog here:
Disclaimer: Recipients should seek medical advice and be closely monitored by their physician or a licensed health care professional before starting or continuing any lifestyle changes such as but not limited to, dietary changes, supplement changes, or physical activity changes, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions. AJM attains a Holistic Nutritionist, Sports Nutritionist, and Personal Trainer Certifications from a Credentialing Organization called The American Fitness Professionals & Associates. AJ Macomber is not a Medical Doctor, Practitioner or a Licensed Registered Dietitian and is not here for medical diagnostics, treatment procedures or medical nutrition therapy.