Wild Super Berry for Cold & Flu

There is a wild super berry that Native Americans (Potawatomi tribe) traditionally used for colds, coughs, and fever. We have these berries right here in Maine. You won’t believe what I came across as it relates to an effective anti-influenza helper like for C@V!D…
Wild Aronia berries aka chokeberries (not to be confused with chokecherries) are native to us here in Maine, other areas across North America, and Europe. Aronia berries have about 4 times the antioxidants than blueberries, acai, and pomegranate. And can be purchased as an organic Aronia powder that is easy to use in smoothies, mixed in yogurts, or other juices. Like anything, check with your doctor before taking anything new. Especially to ensure there are no contradictions with your unique medical and/or medication needs. I read that some folks may not be able to clot as well while taking this. So just because something is a natural food or food product, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be careful. For example, Aronia berry has shown to help lower blood pressure and if someone is already on BP medication, one should be carefully monitored, right? I repeat, double check with your healthcare provider to see if this is okay for you.
Now, let me get onto something about COVID… I have copied and pasted directly from PUBMED below so that nothing can get misinterpreted. You will want to read the entire study as well. You bet your bottom dollar I take this daily during so-called flu season…
“We then analyzed the two respiratory enveloped viruses responsible for the “swine flu” in 2009/2010 and the ongoing COVID‐19 pandemic, IAV and SARS‐CoV‐2, respectively, as well as AdV5 as a naked control virus. A 5‐min incubation with chokeberry juice yielded most potent antiviral activities and inactivated IAV, SARS‐CoV‐2 and also AdV5 by 99.99, 96.98, and 93.23%, respectively (Figure 1, Table 1). IAV was most susceptible to all products and infectivity reduced >99% by elderberry juice, pomegranate juice, and green tea. SARS‐CoV‐2 titers were reduced approximately 80% by pomegranate juice and green tea already after 1‐min incubation, however, unaffected by elderberry juice, corresponding to the results obtained with the more resistant surrogate MVA. The naked AdV5 was resistant to three out of four products, however, susceptible to chokeberry juice (Figure 1, Table 1). In summary, IAV is highly susceptible to all analyzed products, whereas SARS‐CoV‐2 can be efficiently inactivated by chokeberry juice and is to a lower level affected by pomegranate juice or green tea.”
How did I stumble upon this? A few years ago I was reading that Aronia berry (it was in my immune gummies I’d take when I wasn’t feeling well) that it could help stop the proliferation of diseased (viral) cells. Cell proliferation means “the process by which cells increase in number through growth and division”. I thought that was interesting and thought nothing of it and not linking things together. Until… I was at my dad’s house a couple of months ago with the TV on in the background when an antiviral drug came on for Covid. It caught my attention as one of the things they said, is that it “helps stop the proliferation” of the virus (the cells). I was like, wait… I wonder if anyone has looked at Aronia berry and Covid. The study above is what I found along with other neat articles… It is very cool!
This powerful berry has many other health-promoting properties. Including but not limited to assisting with inflammation in the body, helping cholesterol, and anti-tumor effects. Not only that, I read that in Russia, they are using this as a natural anti-hypertensive and anti-atherosclerotic drug. Amazing!
Other references articles worth reading:
Feel like you need more guidance in general for nutrition? Check out my Holistic Nutrition Self-Help Guide here: https://www.ironlegionstrengthco.com/product-page/coach-aj-s-holistic-nutrition-self-help-guide

If you want to know more of what the Self-Help Guide includes, this will answer many questions here: https://aj-macomber.com/new-holistic-nutrition-self-help-documents/
Disclaimer: Recipients should seek medical advice and be closely monitored by their physician or a licensed health care professional before starting or continuing any lifestyle changes such as but not limited to, dietary changes, supplement changes, or physical activity changes, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions. AJ Macomber is not a Medical Doctor, Practitioner, or a Licensed Registered Dietitian and is not here for medical diagnostics, treatment procedures or medical nutrition therapy. AJM attains a Holistic Nutritionist, Sports Nutritionist, Personal Trainer, Strength & Conditioning Specialist, Tactical Conditioning, Powerlifter Instructor, etc. Certifications from a Credentialing Organization called The American Fitness Professionals & Associates and from International Sports Science Association.