75 Hard Update – Day 24

Day 24: I’m surprised how I’m feeling about it. 

Since I’m me. I go by my own rules. I’m following the listed to-do’s and have maintained this 75 Hard with my own twist (I didn’t take the ‘hard’ out, just different) and it hasn’t been hard per se, because of how I’m looking at it. Perspective and mindset are everything. I’m digging it. But here’s the thing, I’m a Coach, I’m comfortable with who I am, I know how to scale my intensity and recovery practices to make this work. I can see where this would be hard for folks that don’t necessarily have that gauge or don’t have the flexibility in their schedules like I do. Nor do I have kiddos to chase, so I have a few hurdles already out of my way. 

I read his book in the first few days and it was pretty decent. The 75 hard podcast didn’t fire me up as I’d hoped, but I could see how it could others. He’s a cool dude for sure. Still wanted to give it a whirl. For his book, I don’t necessarily agree with everything he says or does (especially nutrition), but it’s rare that I agree with everyone on everything. So that is nothing new. However, I can appreciate differences and that is what makes it interesting. I could understand his perspectives on things for him personally because of where he was coming from, so I can respect that. Plus, this really helped him. He did a good job shedding light on “why” he chose those pillars. After reading his book, it’s obvious he has worked his ass off in many components of his life, so major kudos to him (not just in his personal fitness/wellness journey). Seems like a respectable human. I do like the list he put forth and could see how reading the book before doing 75 Hard could be helpful to some that want to try it. I could see where some people may love it, and it may not be right for others.

One of the things I adjusted was “read 10 pages every day”. To me that is easy, so to up the ante, in addition to reading, I’ve asked myself to share on social media a story or post that I think could be valuable and hopefully helpful to others in our world at least once a week. Just trying to do my part, ya know? I’m not necessarily dieting, just no crap. I’m focusing on how I can best fuel my body to make it the most optimal healthy machine. I’m not even missing my mid-week Margarita, ha! So no alcohol, no problem, it will only help my performance. Another one that is easy, I typically drink a gallon of water a day anyway, I just had to measure it a couple times just to make sure. With extra physical activity, you tend to consume more water naturally, so that works. Where I’m training more, this was a good time to transition into hypertrophy. And I love that I go outside everyday for something, a nature walk, kiting, running, whatever. Movement is medicine, I’m not mad about it. So, keeping the daily checklist in check, it’s all good! 

So that’s my update!