Increase Athletic Performance Plus More+ With This Tip!

🌱Looking for a natural energy drink to include in your day or before a workout to increase athletic performance? Read on 😃

Drinking organic beetroot juice 1⁄2 cup (more is not better) about 2-3 hours before a workout has shown to assist with increased performance (additional tasty recipe below). With anecdotal evidence and supporting evidence that oxygenating our blood with vegetables such as beets do not only increase our athletic performance but may assist with decreasing our blood pressure, help circulation, boost energy, increase sexual function, increase oxygen to our brain for cognitive health, and much more.

Nitrates in veggies such as beets, spinach, garlic, arugula, celery, radishes, kale, etc. metabolize in the blood and tissue to form nitric oxide aka “NO”. Nitric oxide seems to be a key player in our whole central nervous system. “Potentially, there could be additional benefits for athletes as it may help to increase oxygen in contracting muscles, decrease (ATP) adenosine triphosphate cost during exercise, increase tolerance to long-term high-intensity exercise, and time to exhaustion.” 

Beetroot juice, garlic, spinach, and other foods high in nitrates help blood flow by dilating blood vessels along with having a natural ergogenic aid for athletes. This makes it easier for blood to move throughout the vessels of the body so that the heart does not have to pump as hard. Ironically, when we consume just one meal rich in saturated fats and oils such as from a Sausage-Egg McMuffin, our arteries have an immediate elevation in inflammation and within a few hours our arteries become virtually paralyzed and cuts down their ability to open. This makes it harder for our circulatory system to function optimally and likely you will feel sluggish. The body actually will release less nitric oxide.

By including foods that form into nitric oxide, it acts as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and where it naturally works as a vasodilator (opens those pipes throughout the body) it can assist with increase sexual function/arousal in both men & women. Think about how Viagra works (through nitric oxide pathways). Ladies, nitric oxide helps us too. Interestingly enough, Viagra was originally designed for a heart medication, but they found, well you know the rest… Any who, this molecule “NO”, you could literally do a deep dive study on. There is so much neat info on it. For example, NO can help regulate enzymes to assist with digestion. Even some Statins I understand can upregulate an enzyme that boosts nitric oxide. Even think about what nitroglycerin converts to…

Nitric oxide is important in more ways than one! In the medical world, and naturally! Okay, okay… I digress… Our arteries need all the veggies folks! What is good for our brain, is good for our heart, our muscles, reproductive organs, and more! So, fuel the body well with those veggies! #eattherainbow

Check out as Dr. Axe discusses other valuable benefits, along with how to choose beets, how to prepare them, and some possible risks certain individuals may need to be aware of before trying it. Of course, the YUMMY recipe!

Tip – You’ve probably heard me say “take some conscious big, long breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth”. Our nose makes NO (our mouth does not), so when we breathe deeply in through our nose – the NO helps to dilate our bronchioles (our airways) to help get more oxygen into your lungs! P.S. The father of nitric oxide is Dr. Louis Ignarro. Look him up, absolutely outstanding!

Disclaimer: This information is for general wellness and general nutrition-related information/education which is not a substitute for medical care. One should speak to their medical provider before starting or continuing any dietary changes to ensure one’s safety. Remember to listen to your body. Individual needs vary.