About Me

Thanks for visiting! The below is a little about me! 

“You will be “too much” for some people. Too loud, too soft. Too this, too that.

But you’ll always be perfect for the people who need you.”



AJ Macomber-CHN, CSN


Certified Personal Trainer

Certified Strength & Conditioning Trainer

Certified Tactical Conditioning Specialist

Certified Powerlifting Instructor

Certified Holistic Nutritionist

Certified Sports Nutritionist

Certified Reiki I Practitioner

Certified in Aromatouch Essential Oils Technique

Degree in Applied Science/Medical Assisting

Certified by the American Heart Association for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Certificate in Creative Leadership for Managers and Supervisors


  • Martial Arts/Karate
  • Motorcycling
  • Kiteboarding, Snowboarding, Snowkiting, Wakeboarding
  • Learning, learning, learning!

2021-Current:  Offering Personal Training/Coaching at Iron Legion in Westbrook, Maine.

Work History:

20192021 Personal Training, Coaching and Nutrition Guidance at World Gym in Portland, Maine.

2017-2019 Traveling Holistic Nutrition Consultant

Work Experience prior to 2017:

Currently, I am a part-time Personal Trainer, Coach, Nutritionist, and part-time Manager for our family owned Plumbing & Heating business.

I started my career as a Clinical Medical Assistant for the first seven years of my career in 2003 to cover multiple disciplines through Primary Care and Specialty Care assisting Physicians, NPs, and PAs. The disciplines included: Internal Medicine, Family Practice, Pediatrics, Obstetrics, Gynecology, Podiatry, Dermatology, Cardiology, Lab, Infectious Disease, Travel Medicine, and Sports Medicine.

I was then promoted to the position of Direct Supervisor for the largest Medical Triage Call Center for a Physician-Owned Company in the State of Maine for the following two years. Then immediately was promoted to Head Manager of the department where I then carried out my Leadership skills for the last five years.


It dawned on me! I love and embody the ability to create meaningful, motivating, and quality relationships with those I encounter. I love to be able to advocate for people’s needs and collaboratively create plans that can balance one’s lifestyle. Doing this was my favorite part of my Management role! I have been very lucky to work in many capacities in a medical establishment and realized I needed to help those looking to have a healthier lifestyle to hopefully decrease their need to visit the doctors! Sorry, Doc!

A holistic lifestyle is something that I practice in my own life and realized that I was always reading about ways to heal through food in my spare time for fun. So I thought, why not go back to school and have a role in this world that feels rewarding beyond belief and have the opportunity to share my knowledge with those looking to make healthier choices. Yes! I’m so excited to be in the Holistic Arena to help others! The Holistic career is fairly new (2017), but my holistic lifestyle is not new by any means.

What am I like to work with?

Well, I will let my last team tell you, as it is better coming from someone else. It is really our actions that stand behind our words that really matter. Some of their words were…

“Her calm yet assertive nature is balanced by her genuine compassion and understanding. She is always ready to handle any complications or obstacles with tact, agility, and precision”. She never shirks away from a challenge, but rather engages it head-on with an unwaveringly positive attitude. Leading by example, AJ is a pillar of strength for everyone around her. Her exceptional leadership is a testament to her character, her work ethic, and her devotion to the company’s vision”. – CI Team  

I was humbled to be presented with what is called a “Spot Award” that my team submitted to the company. This still gets me choked up to this day! I was the first Manager to receive such a beautiful honor which is described below.


To Whom it may concern,

We in the Central Intake department write this letter with the intent of nominating one of (our companies) most exceptional employees for the recognition she so justly deserves.  AJ Macomber is more than simply a fantastic supervisor for Central Intake – she is our leader, our mentor, and a source of encouragement for the department. AJ is the definition of an outstanding employee and we as a team strongly believe that her remarkable efforts at (our company) make her deserving of a Spot Award.

Before the Central Intake team has even started our day, AJ is already logged in and ready to help. As a manager and a co-worker, she is always approachable and always makes time to speak with us. Regardless of the circumstances or how busy she may be, AJ is always there for us. Her calm yet assertive nature is balanced by her genuine compassion and understanding. She is always ready to handle any complications or obstacles with tact, agility, and precision. Whether an emergency call or a system failure, it is assured that AJ will be calm, composed, and decisive. She never shirks away from a challenge, but rather engages it head-on with an unwaveringly positive attitude. Leading by example, AJ is a pillar of strength for everyone around her.

As she makes her rounds each day, AJ is always sure to greet everyone and ensure that we all have the information and tools that we need to best serve our patients. If any employee does have a problem, a question, a comment, or a suggestion they can be confident that AJ’s door will be open. She ensures that upon leaving her office you know that she is genuinely interested in what you have to say. AJ is dedicated to working as a team in order to achieve the best possible solution; a resolution which offers our patients the best service and care, while still providing a solid ground on which everyone can agree.

Long after the last call to Central Intake has been taken care of, AJ will still be bustling through the office and wrapping up all loose ends for the day. One can only surmise that her unfaltering commitment to her work stems from a true passion for helping those around her and caring for patients to the absolute best of her ability.

Naturally, she has garnered the love and respect of everyone who has had the privilege of working alongside her.

As a group, (our company’s) vision is to provide care without compromise. AJ Macomber promotes this vision daily and is an essential member of the companies team. Her exceptional leadership is a testament to her character, her work ethic, and her devotion to the companies vision. It is by the hands of indispensable employees like AJ Macomber that our company will continue to provide care without compromise for every patient, at all times. For these reasons, among countless others, AJ rightly merits recognition as the outstanding worker that she is. Her dedication is unmistakable and her positivity is inspiring. AJ exemplifies the attributes after which all employees should model themselves. Truly, AJ Macomber deserves to be a Spot Award recipient. As such we emphatically nominate her for this due recognition.

Thank you,

Central Intake Team


Thank you, to a dear friend who shared this quote with me. On my life journey, this quote has more meaning to me than ever before!<3   

“The meaning of life is to discover your gift. The purpose of life is to give your gift away.”   



AJ Macomber-CHN, CSN

NUTRITION COMMUNICATION EXCHANGE DISCLAIMER NOTICE: Recipients should seek medical advice and be closely monitored by their physician or a licensed health care professional before starting or continuing any lifestyle changes such as but not limited to, dietary changes, supplement changes, or physical activity changes, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions. You should read any information provided by the product manufacture and any product label or packaging prior to using any medication, nutritional, herbal, food, homeopathic or other products. Certain medications may have contraindications with introducing or continuing any supplemental or dietary changes, and that medications may need adjustments before and/or during your lifestyle changes. Adverse effects may lead to permanent damage or death if your medication(s) and/or healthcare needs are not properly monitored and amended between you and your physician. Do not disregard or delay medical advice or treatment because of any nutrition-related information that has been shared with you. Your decisions regarding your health and wellness are ultimately your own responsibility and the information provided is not to be taken as absolute nor is it a substitute for your medical care. Nutritional or supplemental suggestions including information that may be provided directly or by linking to a third-party, or any affiliates are intended for your general nutrition-related information and education only and will not be held accountable for the use or misuse of any suggestions described therein. Any mention of a specific brand name is not an endorsement of the product. Please note that, over time, currency and completeness of the information may change. These services or information provided do not promise or guarantee protection from past, present or future illnesses and it should not be construed as dispensing medical advice or claiming to diagnose, treat, prevent, mitigate, prescribe, or cure any diseases, conditions, mental or physical, real or imaginary and that it is not a substitute for regular medical or psychological care.