Powerful link between Nutrition & Hormonal Imbalances, PCOS, Hormonal Acne, Terrible Periods, and Endometriosis

Hormonal imbalances, PCOS, hormonal acne, terrible periods, endometriosis – so many things us Ladies have and continue to endure. Since March is National Endometriosis Awareness Month, I feel compelled to share that there is a helpful powerful link between nutrition and endometriosis along with other hormonal imbalances.

About 1 in 10 women have endometriosis and it can lead to infertility, cardiac disease, and a continued cascade of things that may follow. Yes, there are other things that can contribute to this besides nutrition. But nutrition is POWERFUL, maybe even more so than people realize and could be the one thing standing in their way to feeling better! Did you know that experts have recently been intrigued by the dietary habits of Japanese women? They have the lowest reported rates of endometriosis, ovarian cancer, and other reproductive concerns in the WORLD! I’ve encompassed some of the things they do below. I will also list some foods/drinks that are healing to endometriosis, help with balancing hormones, and to the body as a whole. I’ll discuss one special food item that could be key and could likely be used as a “supplement” to assist with pain associated with endometriosis. My wish is that what I have learned from experts and now sharing with you in this field will only help. As there have been many ladies that have decreased their symptoms, and I understand some have cleared endometriosis just by their lifestyle! If you’re willing to try new things, fail and keep trying, have patience, and have struggled enough… Then have a look below to see if this is right for you. Like anything, speak to your doctor first to ensure these changes are okay for you (please see my disclaimer). Now let’s get into it. This is just a starting point…

What is Step One?

Reduce excess estrogen circulating in the liver via what we fuel our bodies with. Endometriosis is fed and dependent on excess estrogen. Yes, on the flip side estrogen is extremely important, and we need it to be healthy. But a lot of times the food and environment we saturate ourselves with can create quite the excess = imbalance. This is also not just a concern with endometriosis, it is a concern if you have terrible periods, have PMS, hormonal acne, and other things. There are a lot of similar things one can do just through food alone. Estrogen imbalance can also affect the gut lining, increase permeability of the gut creating leaky gut, or just simply increase digestive issues. Excess estrogen holds onto fat cells, especially in the abdomen, and the more fat cells we carry, the fat cells will then make more estrogen (it’s a catch 22). Also, if we don’t take care of our stress level and we are constantly cranking up our cortisol (even with coffee) can have a major domino effect. Increased cortisol can increase insulin, can drop blood sugar too low, then trick our brains that we crave things that will not nourish us. I’ll talk about coffee later as you will be surprised how much it can affect hormones, especially in women!

Worst Foods and products that increase estrogen exponentially and contribute to worsened symptoms of endometriosis and other ailments. Here are some things to avoid.

We need to decrease “phthalate” exposure: these are hormone disrupting plastics and chemicals stored in even in our plastic water bottles we drink from (major endocrine disruptors)! Did you know that a lot of foods we eat have phthalates in them nowadays? It has become a huge concern and major negative contributor to disrupting our endocrine system. Here is a small list to start, plus more that contributes to increasing endocrine concerns.

Non-organic foods: mass-factory farmed meats and farmed fish are loaded with additional hormones, and carry phthalates, even non-organic plant foods are loaded with chemicals and pesticides. These have been shown to increase estrogen not just in women, but men too. And not the estrogen we want…Yes even some “organic whole foods” have been shown to have “some” pesticides. It’s due to the wind blowing them from conventional farms to the organic ones…But going organic will decrease your exposure tremendously, plus the soil they use will bump up the nutrients in that food. If you’re on a budget, avoid the dirty dozen (produce labeled with the most pesticides/or just get them organic) or get the clean 15 even when not organic = check the list yearly. A quick google search will get you there.

Also Avoid:

Alcohol (especially beer). There are certain times this can be enjoyed on the occasion. But not during the healing phases…This is a big one, avoid it. 

Caffeine (especially coffee) – I’ll talk more about that below. It is a big deal! Sorry.

Dairy (all, even organic, even dairy-yogurts) men and women nowadays are getting an increase of about 60-80% of extra estrogen through dairy. How? Plastic tubing used to “milk the cows” and depending on what they feed or inject the cows with as well. This is a big one! 

Red meat (can exacerbate symptoms). Another big one.

Refined sugar & carbohydrates (especially white sugars and flour). Yup. 

Artificial sweeteners – likely obvious due to the word “artificial”, get migraines? – These can increase that! Anything artificial, our body doesn’t recognize and will exacerbate symptoms.

Trans fat (found in ultra-processed foods)

Most processed foods (some exceptions)

Poultry (all chicken even if organic) has high levels of phthalates.

Drinking from plastic (phthalate and other endocrine disrupting chemicals).

Tap water (another topic)

I would even consider things you are putting on your skin, washing your clothes with, and products you clean or fragrance yourself or your home with (whole other topic for another day)

Coffee: Who doesn’t love it? I sure do, but you may want to consider replacing it while you’re healing. Or decreasing it exponentially and just as an occasional treat after the healing process. And if you do, always on a full stomach! Always, always organic! Why? Conventional coffee beans are largely produced in mass quantities that contain high amounts of mold and mycotoxins and are one of the most heavily sprayed crops with pesticides. Side note – some people will feel an improved difference in their arthritis and clearer skin (including eczema) by switching to organic.

It has been shown that those who avoid caffeine, especially coffee, have made a dramatic shift in how they feel when dealing with endo. Did you know that it is recommended that women don’t consume caffeine when pregnant or breastfeeding? I understand it can increase miscarriages by almost 75%. As it relates to this topic, it can shoot up cortisol, decrease fertility rate, depletes B Vitamins & Magnesium which are crucial for hormonal balance! And that is what we are shooting for, “hormone balance” through our cycle. Did you know that about 90% of women don’t process caffeine correctly? It depends on our CYP1A2 gene. Story for a different time. Too much caffeine can increase the tendency of the breast and ovaries to produce cysts as well. Sometimes even breast tenderness is increased by caffeine. I’ll talk about a natural coffee alternative used in Traditional Mayan Superfood options. Ever heard of Maya Nuts? Stay tuned.

 What are some foods that we should focus on for healing?

Emphasis on more fresh whole organic plant-based foods (veggies, fruits, legumes, tubers (especially sweet potatoes), whole grains, healthy plant fats (avocado, walnuts, ground flaxseed, chia, and other nuts & seeds) are remarkably helpful! Think homemade, learn to cook! It will be a superpower of yours!

Increase fiber – this may take a while for your body to adjust to, increase flatulence, cramps, etc., but it will be worth the patience as your gut microbiome balances out. More fiber = increased fertility and balanced hormones. Beans, beans, beans…

It will be important to frontload your meals with fresh veggies and fruit. Ya know, like back in the day when one would have a hardy salad as an appetizer before the main meal. This will assist with absorbing nutrients, preparing the digestive tract, and to help balance blood sugar. If it’s too much of a hassle, just make it a priority to include fresh and cooked veggies and/or fresh fruit with every-single-meal. It has a tremendous positive impact on our overall health.

For meat or eggs, just one serving a day. If you have eggs for breakfast, make the rest of the day plants. It would even be good to have meatless, animal-free-days to ensure we don’t overload our bodies with “their” hormones. Ensure animal products are organic, free-roaming, and grass-fed. You don’t want to eat factory farmed animal products. They are fed GMO soy and corn. Also, they are given many supplements and hormones to keep them edible and tasty, but not nourishing to us.  A lot of times these animals become sickly…I would look at wild caught salmon, and organic turkey as some options. Beans and lentils are an excellent source of nutrients, fiber, and protein!

Drink filtered water.

Instead of plastic, drink from glass (mason jars work) or stainless steel. 

Here are some very specific things to consider consuming that will help eliminate and remove excess estrogen within our liver creating havoc on the endocrine system. These are POWERFUL!!!!

2 TBSP of Organic Ground Flaxseed daily – helps to bind excess estrogen and remove it from the gut. It is high in healthy omega fasts, improves digestion, decreases sugar cravings, and is a potent seed to balance hormones!

2 Cups Cruciferous Veggies (Broccoli, Kale, etc.) These have a specific phytonutrient called sulforaphane. This is crucial for liver detoxification to eliminate the excess estrogen. Plus, it helps neutralize cancer cells.

¼ Cup of Fresh Cilantro – Powerful liver detoxifier to eliminate excess estrogen.

1 Cup of Organic Soy milk – please read if you are worried about soy, this will arm you with important information. https://aj-macomber.com/2022/10/27/resources-for-menopause/ See article for full explanation as there are new “human studies”. The right “kind” of soy is what matters in most cases. It would be worth the read due to antiquated info out there.

Want to make this into a smoothie, this could likely serve as two servings (choose all organic). All chosen for a reason. I would recommend experimenting and trying this daily for 3 weeks leading up to your period. And especially two weeks before your period as that is when our estrogen naturally increases, and we may need the help from powerful foods to rid any excess estrogen contributing to the uncomfortable symptoms.

Certainly, add ice or more filtered water as you see fit for palatability.

  • 1 Cup of Flaxseed milk or Soy milk
  • 2 TBSP of Ground Flaxseed
  • Broccoli
  • Kale
  • Cilantro
  • 1 Cup of frozen mixed berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, cranberries)
  • Banana
  • 1 Medjool date (pitted)
  • Couple dashes of Black Pepper
  • 1/8 tsp of Turmeric powder
  • 1/8 tsp of Ginger powder
  • 1/8 tsp of Cinnamon

** ¼-1/2 tsp of Bladderwrack. This is the supplement I was referring to that I understand a lot of women have had a powerful response to! It has helped many women decrease their pain and help rid excess estrogen.  It is a natural brown alga that has a unique phytonutrient not found on land! Check with your doctor first as it is also high in iodine. If we consume too much iodine containing foods and you have a thyroid concern or on thyroid medicine, there could be a major contraindication. We must be careful not to consume or take too much even without thyroid issues! It would be worth exploring with your doc, as it is a powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, antioxidant, aids in digestion and assists with pain! Usually, it can be found at natural food stores or online. Be picky and find quality. Typically, 1/4-1/2 tsp is all one would need in a day. 

You could also add oatmeal (no quick oats) and rice protein as a gentle additive to make your smoothie into a meal. Or do what I do, add a serving of chickpeas. These beans hide well in smoothies. Check out NutriBiotic Organic Rice Protein and I would recommend organic steel cut or old-fashioned rolled oats.

Snack on pumpkin seeds and Walnuts (excellent source of magnesium, zinc, healthy fats and much more!)

1-2 Brazil nuts/day. Too much can give you too much selenium. But we need it!

Let’s talk about a possible Coffee alternative: 

Maya Nuts aka Ramon Seeds: The flavor is much like coffee with chocolate notes. It’s technically a seed and not a nut. I have come across a brand called Teeccino and they do carry some organic tea bags that have this Ramon seed. It is quite delicious, no caffeine, but naturally energizes you and tastes like coffee. If you are addicted to coffee/caffeine, you may need to wean yourself off and not go cold turkey. I would check it out, mostly found at Natural food stores and of course online!

So, what steps can you start with today? Pick away at it, even if it’s just starting with that smoothie every morning. Maybe it is switching out the coffee and caffeine type drinks.  I’m wishing anyone the best healing! Keep learning, keep digging, keep trying! You got this!

References and more resources available upon request.

And you may also be interested in learning: https://aj-macomber.com/2023/01/14/why-supplementing-with-b12-is-imperative-for-plant-based-eaters-and-possibly-others-despite-their-diet-choices/

And also if you missed my other blog on: https://aj-macomber.com/2023/01/14/nutrition-announcement-as-it-relates-to-a-critical-nutrient-deficiency-on-the-rise/

Disclaimer: AJ Macomber is not a Medical Doctor, Practitioner, or a Licensed Registered Dietitian. AJM is not here for medical diagnostics, treatment procedures, nutrition therapy, etc. You should seek medical advice and be closely monitored by your physician or a licensed health care professional before choosing to start or continue any lifestyle changes such as but not limited to dietary changes, supplemental changes, or physical activity changes, especially if you may be pregnant, or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions.

AJ’s Holiday Cookies

These are organic, dairy-free, grain-free, refined-sugar-free treats! Enjoy!

Bake: 350 degrees x 10 minutes – Use Large Cookie sheet with Parchment paper (non-bleached).


  • 1 Cup Almond Flour (pack-down when measuring)
  • ¾ Cup Coconut Sugar
  • ½ Cup of Crunchy Peanut Butter
  • ½ Cup of Cashew Butter
  • ½ Tbs of 100% Vanilla Extract
  • ½ tsp of Himalayan Pink Salt
  • ½ tsp of Baking Soda
  • 2 Large Eggs
  • 1 Cup of Evolved Chocolate Chips
  • Hu Chocolate Gems, you’ll add 1 on top of each cookie!


Whisk the Eggs and Vanilla Extract well.

Add Coconut Sugar & Almond Flour.

Add Baking Soda & Salt.

Add Peanut & Cashew Butter.

Mix well, then fold in the chocolate chips.

Use a Tablespoon to scoop out each cookie and space evenly on cookie sheet (They expand quite a bit).

Then add one Hu Chocolate Gem to the middle of each cookie, press into middle.

Note: The brands of butters & chocolate chips/gems I have pictured below seem to be the best texture & taste. Also, I love that they are organic with simple ingredients. Highly recommend! I’ve tried other brands, and it doesn’t come out quite the same. Still awesome, but found this combo is the bomb! If you can’t find such brands at your local grocery store, natural food store, or Whole Foods store…Amazon it!

Venison Veggie Bean Chili


  • 1-1.5 pounds Ground Venison Burger (or substitute w/bison burger)
  • 1 can (14oz) Black Lentils (drained/lightly rinsed)
  • 1 can (14oz) Kidney Beans (drained)
  • 1 can (14oz) Black Beans (drained)
  • 4 cups/20oz Cubed Butternut Squash or Sweet Potatoes
  • 1 (28 ounce) can No-Salt-Added Crushed Tomatoes
  • 6 oz of Tomato Paste
  • 2 cups Filtered Water
  • 1 Green Pepper Diced
  • 1 Yellow Onion Diced (large or two small onions)
  • 2 Green Onions (chopped)


  • 1 TBSP of Date Powder
  • 1 TBSP Cumin Powder
  • 1 TBSP Garlic Powder (or fresh)
  • 3 TBSP Chili Powder
  • 1 tsp Himalayan Salt
  • ½ tsp Cinnamon Powder
  • ½ tsp Cayenne Pepper (+/-)
  • ¼ tsp Black Pepper
  • Liquid Aminos for Seasoning the Venison (lightly sprinkled over the meat)


  1. Add all ingredients and spices together in crockpot (mix well).
  2. Sauté Venison burger, break it up into small pieces, add a light sprinkle laying across the meat with liquid aminos and a nice layer of garlic powder. Cook until it is no longer pink (medium-high heat/about 5-6 mins). Once cooked, add the rest of the ingredients in the crockpot. Mix well!

Cooking Duration:

Set for High x 4 hours or Low for 8 hours. For the best results, try mixing the ingredients half-way through. Be careful, very hot!

Optional: Serve w/Sourdough Toast, Avocado Slices and Garlic Hummus as a yummy alternative to sour cream! This is also delicious served over Brown Rice Pastas or fresh Veggies! Enjoy!

Note: Check out Shaw’s ‘Organic’ brand – affordable and their cans come BPA free, most without added sugar or salt.

Also, can find Venison or Bison Burger at Shaw’s as well.

Baked Granola

A lot of granola and granola bars may have unhealthy sugars and oils. If you can’t find one that meets healthy standards, here is a recipe I pulled from the Forks Over Knives Cookbook! You could certainly use this as a “base” and add anything else you may desire. Examples may include adding: pumpkin seeds, ground flaxseed, walnuts, dried mango, dried coconut, dried cranberry, etc.

Makes Sixteen ½-Cup Servings

• 8 Cups Rolled Oats

• 1 ½ Cups of Pitted and Chopped Dates (Medjool dates are so yummy-FYI)

• Zest of 2 oranges

• 1 tsp of ground Cinnamon

• 1 tsp of pure Vanilla extract

• ½ tsp of Himalayan Pink Salt or to taste

Preheat oven to 275 F

• Add the oats to a large mixing bowl and set aside. Line two 13×18 inch baking pans with parchment paper.

• Place the dates in a medium saucepan with 2 Cups of water, bring to a boil, and cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes. Add more water if needed to keep the dates from sticking to the pan. Remove from the heat, add the mixture to a blender with the orange zest, cinnamon, vanilla and salt and process until smooth and creamy.

• Add the date mixture to the oats and mix well. Divide the granola between the two prepared pans and spread it evenly in the pans. 

• Bake for 40-50minutes, stirring every 10 minutes, until the granola is crispy.

• Remove from the oven and let cool before storing in an airtight container (the cereal will get even crispier as it cools). 

Pre-Workout Gingerbread Oat Energy Balls

My Pre-Workout recipe that is super easy to make, and easy to take on the go!

I also share some fun facts about why I chose the specific nutrient dense ingredients to fuel the body along with discussing a nutrient we should try to consume daily! Some consumed by Aztec warriors and ingredients used referred to a 10,000-year-old-Redbull. Plus, you’ll learn some random stuff like Chia is the ancient Mayan word for “strength”. You’ll see.

Plus, they can be turned into a healthy type of dessert with one tip!

I hope you enjoy!


10 Medjool Dates (pitted)

1 Cup of Raw Pecan Halves (sometimes I’ll mix in Walnuts)

2 Tbs of Blackstrap Molasses, not sulphured

1 Tbs of Roasted Peanut Butter or Nut Butter of Choice

1 tsp of Ginger Powder

¼ tsp of Cinnamon Powder

2 Tbs of Chia Seeds + 1/4 Cup of Water

1 Tbs of Ground Flaxseed + 2 Tbs of Water

1 Cup of Sprouted Rolled Oats


  • Mix Chia Seeds, Ground Flaxseeds, Water, Molasses, and Spices into a small bowl and let sit for 5 Minutes.
  • Take all ingredients and place into a food processor and blend!
  • Scoop out the desired size onto parchment paper (if scooped out with a Tablespoon, makes about 25 energy balls).
  • Can eat immediately, but better chilled!

Side Notes:

Can keep in the refrigerator for 1 week.

If I use Peanut Butter, I ensure to find brands that encompass ingredients of unsalted roasted organic peanuts with no additives, such as no added oils, sugars, etc. Almond Butter, I ensure the ingredients are from raw organic almonds, no additives as well!

For a healthy dessert alternative- dip energy balls into melted vegan chocolate (cacao not cocoa) and sprinkle with coconut flakes!

Chill and enjoy this fiber packed snack!

Why did AJ choose these ingredients?

Blackstrap Molasses- Is highly nutritious, rich in iron, potassium, calcium, selenium, copper, manganese, and B6. B6 naturally occurring is helpful to raise serotonin levels in our brain to help with lifting fatigue, mood, and decrease pain.

Chia Seeds- Chia is the ancient Mayan word for “strength”! This powerful seed is great for energy along with encompassing some of the richest plant-based omega-3 (healthy fats). They are also packed full of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, dietary fiber, and are a complete source of protein. Chia seeds are excellent for boosting energy and supporting exercise performance! In the book “Born to Run” the author talks about a Northwest Mexican tribe (Tarahumara Indians) as super athletes, who maybe some of the world’s greatest long-distance runners who literally run hundreds of miles at a time “for fun”. It was their diet that they were interested in to understand what fueled them. Come to find out, one of the things that they consumed before running is a drink called “iskiate”, in which the author referred to it as the “10,000-year-old-Redbull”. It included- water, chia seeds, and lemon.

Ground Flaxseed- Superfood it is! Its potency is helpful in reducing cholesterol, reducing sugar cravings, improving digestion, clearer skin, helping with balancing hormone and much more! Flaxseed may be one of the oldest cultivated crops known to man, even consumed by Aztec warriors. Some Nutrition Experts and Cardiologist are recommending 1-2 Tbs every single day!

Ginger- Contains quite an array of important vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger can assist with digestion, nausea, menstrual cramps, joint and muscle pain along with boosting your immunity to fight off infections.

Sprouted Oats- Sprouted oats are high in fiber and a good source of plant-based protein and complex carbohydrates! Sprouted grains in general, tend to carry healthier benefits due to lower phytic acid (mineral blocker).

Medjool Dates- Packed full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. This sweet fruit of the date palm tree makes for a great natural sweetener. These dates are commonly consumed in the Mediterranean diet. The sugar is easily processed by the body and readily available for energy.  In some parts of the world, these dates are recognized as the afternoon “pick-me-up”. They are also rich in calcium and phosphorus. Only 1-2 a day for that energy burst!

There is a nutrient that over 95% of Americans are deficient in- This nutrient is essential for a healthy diet, key in toxin removal, bad cholesterol removal, lowering the risks of heart disease, diabetes, weight management, and some cancers. This nutrient is fiber.

“This deficit is stunning in that dietary fiber has been protectively associated in population studies with the risk of diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and various cancers as well as high cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugars. Therefore, it is not surprising that fiber is listed as a nutrient of concern reported by the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. Protein is not.” 

New to High Fiber? If one is not used to having a high fiber meal and/or snack- the body needs to adjust. You may experience bloating, cramping, excess flatulence, and irregular stools until the body becomes appropriately adjusted.  It’s worth the adjustment for our health! Be patient with it.

Other Ingredients within this recipe: Walnuts, Pecans, Cinnamon and sometimes Peanut Butter and/or Almond butter is mixed in! All have their benefits as well!

Thank you for reading and hopefully tasting!

~A.J.  Anna-Jane Macomber- CPT, CSCT, CHN, CSN

Good energy and good health to you! Stay cool, don’t forget to breathe, love yourself, move that body, and eat well! 

Switchel – The Natural Homemade Sports Drink!

Switchel – The Natural Homemade Sports Drink!

Switchel is also known as the Haymaker’s Punch from possibly over 100 years ago to help farmers stay hydrated and maintain their electrolytes. It is quite delicious! The first four ingredients (apple cider vinegar, maple syrup, sea salt, and a 1-inch piece of ginger root is part of the original switchel recipe). Some like to add Organic 100% grape juice as it tastes like grape Gatorade!

Fueling our body with clean ingredients will help our human engines in the most optimal way. Most common commercialized sports drinks contain processed sugars, artificial flavors, and ingredients in which we should try to avoid as they can hinder our overall health.

Below is a recipe from the No Meat Athlete Cookbook with my added commentary!

Grape Switchel Recipe

Nutrition Information Serving size:

5 cups Calories: 251 Fat: 0 g Carbohydrates: 66 g Sodium: 609 mg Fiber: 0 g Protein: 1 g


• 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar (helps with stomach upset and nausea)

• 2 tablespoons maple syrup (contains magnesium and potassium)

• 4 cups (960 ml) filtered water

• ¼ teaspoon of sea salt

• 1 cup grape juice (use organic if possible)

Side notes from AJ: Even though this recipe does not include ginger, I highly recommend keeping the ginger (minced or ginger powder 1/4-1/2 tsp) in this recipe. Ginger has a powerful natural anti-inflammatory component along with carrying antioxidants. Ginger encompasses the presence of oil called gingerol which is excellent for digestion, nausea, and boosting immunity. Also, ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties can also help soothe sore muscles after a hard workout!


• Shake then refrigerate overnight and drink.

• Refrigerate overnight to allow the flavors to join.

• Store in a Glass Container, never plastic (large mason jars are an easy option).

• From the cookbook- Another option is to mix everything but the water together and freeze in ice-cube trays, then portion them out into your hydration pack or bottles.

For more fun info on all things ginger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEGx5OdOIn0 or https://draxe.com/nutrition/10-medicinal-ginger-health-benefits/

Should Vegetarians and Vegans Supplement with Creatine? 

Should? Well, it depends. Like anything. Now if we are talking just for the sake of taking it for the boosting effects of muscle building and strength (despite diet choices), it can be an option, but only if you want to. It is not necessary though. Creatine is an amino acid that our bodies produce on their own, so it’s technically not “essential” and vegans/vegetarians are fine without supplementing with it for “general health” purposes. 

Help Aid Creatine Production?
In general, we should always try to get our nutrients through food first before considering a supplement of any sorts. One could focus on foods that are a bit higher in arginine, glycine, and methionine (the three amino acids that help produce creatine by the body) to help the “energy boost”. Such as incorporating more pumpkin seeds (this is a powerhouse food), sesame seeds, nuts such as walnuts, almonds, and pine nuts, legumes like beans, especially edamame, white beans, and peas. And seaweed such as Dulsi flakes and Nori (but not Kelp as that can provide an enormous amount of iodine and cause serious health concerns). Lastly, watercress.

Now medically speaking – If bloodwork reveals elevated homocysteine levels (indicator of a vitamin deficiency), one of the things providers look at is making sure a “stable” vit B12 supplement is being taken. There are 3 types and it matters which one, not just for plant-based eaters either (will talk more below). However, if someone is taking B12, and their leafy green intake is adequate (getting enough folate or aka folic acid) and their levels are still high, then taking creatine to help homocysteine levels may be one of the treatment plans. Homocysteine levels that remain elevated can increase one’s risk for dementia, heart disease, and stroke. There is also a rare birth defect where people are born without the capability of making/producing their own creatine and in that case would be followed medically and supplementing accordingly.

Creatine is one of the most studied supplements out there for short-term use, which seems to be okay in general and has certainly given people a boost. But still be careful, as everyone is different. Listen to your body. Plus making sure you are getting a high quality pure product. It matters, as many creatine brands have been tested and revealed contamination (heavy metals) – which can be harmful to our brain, etc. So as with any dietary supplement, it’s important to choose a product that follows recommended manufacturing practices with third-party testing to help ensure the product’s quality. And my motto – “food first”, then consider supplements. But that doesn’t mean it may not be right for you. So, like anything, don’t take my word for it. Always run new supplements by your healthcare provider and do some research. Don’t forget to have your annual check-up including annual blood work! Of course if you are not feeling well in any way, reach out to your healthcare provider.
Why consuming B12 is imperative for Plant-Based eaters, and possibly Others despite their diet choices. Read this please as there is some required info to be know here. Insufficient B12 levels can possibly lead to severe health complications (brain damage, muscle weakness, anemia, fatigue, nerve damage, etc.) https://aj-macomber.com/2022/04/24/why-supplementing-with-b12-is-imperative-for-plant-based-eaters-and-possibly-others-despite-their-diet-choices/

Side note – In 2021 the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics put an announcement out that iodine deficiency is on the rise for folks which can cause metabolic, immunity, thyroid, brain, etc. health issues. They are seeing this in Vegans but also in others despite diet choices. If you missed my last article, go to my blogs section! https://aj-macomber.com/2022/04/15/nutrition-announcement-as-it-relates-to-a-critical-nutrient-deficiency-on-the-rise/

Why supplementing with B12 is imperative for Plant-Based eaters, and possibly Others despite their diet choices.

Updated: What I’ve learned from experts/read below regarding B12:

It is important to know that insufficient B12 levels can possibly lead to severe health complications. Some examples may include but are not limited to – brain damage, vision loss, muscle weakness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, gastrointestinal distress, anemia, nerve damage, stroke, problems walking, etc., etc. These can be very serious conditions possibly leading to permanent disabling damages or death!

Experts say it’s required that anyone over the age of 50 (despite diet choices) or anyone that is on a Plant-Based type diet (at just about any age) along with other stipulations should supplement with B12. For adults, it’s been shared that Cyanocobalamin 50mcg per day would be ideal. Check with your physician for proper dosage for those under the age of 18 years old. B12 dosages may also vary depending on other factors (certain conditions, and post certain surgeries) despite age and diet – please confirm with your medical provider and watch this quick clip from Dr. Michael Greger for more important info. https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-optimal-vitamin-b12-dosage-for-adults/

Our bodies do not make Vitamin B12, making it essential to get it through supplements and/or our food. Sometimes animal products themselves do not have enough B12 which is the reason why those who even eat meat, poultry, eggs, etc. and are over the age of 50 should consider taking B12 no matter their diet routine. Even cows that are not grass-fed also need a B12 supplement. The older we get, the harder it is to absorb this vitamin.  Sometimes we can eat food that is fortified with B12 as well which Dr. Greger mentions in his video above.

B12 is from bacteria. Animals consume dirt which is full of bacteria, through the unwashed plants and non-chlorinated water they consume. We as humans, rarely eat anything unwashed as we practice safe food handling and preparation procedures to prevent foodborne illnesses, resulting in the need to supplement.

Dosages may vary for individuals, even for those 65 and older. Please see this quick clip for more as it relates to optimal dosage for kids, pregnancy, and seniors from expert Dr. Michael Greger!


Again, this is from experts linked to this post, do your research, always check with your medical provider for proper dosing and possibly any other things you may need to consider…

Nutrition Announcement as it relates to a critical nutrient deficiency on the rise…

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics states iodine is a critical nutrient. As “iodine deficiency is the leading cause of intellectual disability around the world”. They also mention “with a trend of eating less iodized table salt, dairy, bread, etc. that experts are concerned about iodine deficiency being on the rise again”.

Natural sources of dietary iodine come from seaweed, saltwater fish, and/or seafood. However, getting too much iodine can be just as detrimental to our health! Iodine is one of the key players in our thyroid health, brain health, energy levels, metabolic rate, immunity, and more!

Published April 2021 by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, it is recommended by the IOM that 14 yrs. and older consume 150 micrograms per day. You can read their article here to learn more.

https://www.eatright.org/food/vitamins-and-supplements/types-of-vitamins-and-nutrients/iodine-a-critically-important-nutrient  Side note: Adding Sea vegetables such as Dulsi Flakes (seaweed) to your food (or hide in a smoothie) and/or Nori are excellent natural sources of iodine. Not to be confused with Kelp. Kelp can provide an enormous amount of iodine at once and cause serious health concerns. It’s been stated to also not consume hiziki as well. Also, you may already be getting iodine, double check any supplements you already take to make sure you don’t get too much. It’s a fine balance…Watch this quick clip to learn more. https://nutritionfacts.org/video/avoiding-iodine-deficiency-2/

As always, do not take my word for it, review the above links from the experts and discuss with your healthcare provider. The article is a quick read, and the clip is very quick to watch. Please take the time to review.

If you want to know how this helped me personally, I’m happy to share. 

Resources for Balancing Hormones, especially but not limited to Menopausal Symptoms.

Natural Approach to decreasing Menopausal symptoms through how we fuel our body.

With emphasis on more plant-based whole foods (veggies, fruits, tubers, legumes, whole grains, healthy plant fats (avocado, flax & chia, other nuts & seeds) are remarkably helpful! Along with decreasing animal products, processed foods (even oils, white flours, refined sugars), and alcohol (especially beer) has been profoundly helpful in reducing menopausal symptoms naturally. This way of fueling our bodies has been shown to help in all stages of life to assist with hormonal balance. Did you know that all animal tissue carries hormones including dairy which if we have too much can override our own?

Tip – “two teaspoons worth of ground flaxseeds a day alone can significantly decrease menopausal symptoms to about the same extent as hormone replacement therapy, but without the side effects.” Listen to this quick clip here to learn more –


Soy has been recognized as a very powerful legume to assist w/symptoms. BUT – The type of Soy does matter!

There is still some antiquated information still being used and disseminated in both the medical field and in the general-public about the controversy of soy (which was based on mostly animal studies). Animal studies have been helpful in the pursuit of many questions… BUT, they discovered that once they started doing human studies, they then realized the compound in soybeans called “isoflavones” metabolizes “very” differently in humans vs rodents. This changed a lot of what we used to know about soy. It has only been fairly recently that we have a new understanding of this. Now making it a desirable bean to include back into our diets due to the powerful impact on these types of symptoms amongst other health benefits without many of the concerns we used to have! Did you know that soy is a complete protein? But the type of soy still does matter! Watch this – https://nutritionfacts.org/video/gmo-soy-and-breast-cancer/

Who shouldn’t eat Soy?

This will surprise you. https://nutritionfacts.org/video/who-shouldnt-eat-soy/

Thyroid/Testosterone/Cancers/Menopause/etc… As mentioned above they discovered that once they incorporated human studies…they then realized the compound in soy called “isoflavones” metabolizes “very” differently in humans vs rodents. Changing a lot of what we used to know about soy on how it impacts the thyroid, cancers, bone health, cholesterol, and the bodybuilding world. In this interview below, they touch upon soy and thyroid health, testosterone in men and much more. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine is trying to get this updated information communicated to the medical community and general-public to keep everyone abreast. Just soy alone has over 50,000 studies. So, it’s a lot to keep up on. It’s even good info for men to watch as well as they to can benefit from this natural legume.

What about Breast Cancer survivors? 

Watch this- https://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-soy-healthy-for-breast-cancer-survivors/

Hot Flashes! More on that here along with phytoestrogens for Hot Flashes!


There is a very helpful BOOK you can read called: Your Body In Balance The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health

It’s a very helpful guide and takes a look into – “how common hormone-related conditions—like infertility, weight gain, menopausal symptoms, breast and prostate cancers, thyroid problems, and acne—can be affected by and improved by simple diet changes”. To learn more about the book, author, and testimonials go to their link at https://www.pcrm.org/yourbodyinbalance


Have you ever heard of the “Blue Zones”? No not the blue zone diet that we used to hear about!

Blue zones are places in the world where people have been identified to live longer and healthier lives anywhere else on earth! Typically to around 100 years old! The impressive part and why they have been classified under the “blue zones” is that most of them live without medications, chronic diseases, cancers, or disability. So what is the common denominator between all of these locations across the world?

The Original Blue Zones listed were (there may be more):

🔸Okinawa, Japan

🔸Ikaria island, Greece

🔸Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica

🔸Loma Linda, California

🔸Sardinia island, Italy

The five regions in Europe, Latin America, Asia and the U.S. have been identified as having the highest concentrations of centenarians in the world! Okay, okay – Common denominator? They do not eat virtually any processed foods and they consume about 90-95% (some 100%) of mostly whole plant-based foods! On occasion, “small” portions of wild-caught fish, free-roaming meat, etc. Plus they incorporate other amazing lifestyle practices. But as it relates to food…

Check out this quick Clip on the Blue Zones! 🔵 https://nutritionfacts.org/video/do-flexitarians-live-longer/

Notice any similarities of what was discussed above and how it relates to the Blue Zones too?

If you missed my blog about: Why supplementing with B12 is imperative for plant-based eaters and likely others despite their diet choices (meat/fish/eggs etc.). See if you need to be doing this. Otherwise this deficiency could lead to severe health complications. https://aj-macomber.com/2022/05/01/why-supplementing-with-b12-is-imperative-for-plant-based-eaters-and-possibly-others-despite-their-diet-choices/

Also, if you didn’t see my blog on: Nutrition Announcement Critical Nutrient Deficiency on the Rise! Read this – https://aj-macomber.com/2022/05/01/nutrition-announcement-as-it-relates-to-a-critical-nutrient-deficiency-on-the-rise/

Updated/ADDED: 10/27/22

Looking to optimize your health? Here are some more of my Top Resources to keep learning! It is important to do what works for you, listen to your body, stay connected with your healthcare provider and never stop learning!

Disclaimer: Everyone should seek medical advice and be closely monitored by their physician or a licensed health care professional before starting or continuing any lifestyle changes such as but not limited to – dietary changes, supplement changes, or physical activity changes, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions. You should read any information provided by the product manufacture and any product label or packaging prior to using any medication, nutritional, herbal, food, homeopathic or other products. Certain medications may have contraindications with introducing or continuing any supplemental or dietary changes, and that medications may need adjustments before and/or during your lifestyle changes. Adverse effects may lead to permanent damage or death if your medication(s) and/or healthcare needs are not properly monitored and amended between you and your physician. Do not disregard or delay medical advice or treatment because of any nutrition-related information that has been shared with you. Your decisions regarding your health and wellness are ultimately your own responsibility and the information provided is not to be taken as absolute nor is it a substitute for your medical care. Nutritional or supplemental suggestions including information that may be provided directly or by linking to a third-party, or any affiliates are intended for your general nutrition-related information and education only and will not be held accountable for the use or misuse of any suggestions described therein. Any mention of a specific brand name is not an endorsement of the product. Please note that, over time, currency and completeness of the information may change. These services or information provided do not promise or guarantee protection from past, present or future illnesses and it should not be construed as dispensing medical advice or claiming to diagnose, treat, prevent, mitigate, prescribe, or cure any diseases, conditions, mental or physical, real or imaginary and that it is not a substitute for regular medical or psychological care.

A key “compound” discovered essential for sustaining intestinal immune function. Also, best detoxifier?

A key “compound” was discovered a while back that is essential for sustaining our intestinal immune function. This has been found to help lower irritable bowel disease and more! We have a receptor in our gut looking for this compound…

Listen to this quick clip on what that compound is – https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-broccoli-receptor-our-first-line-of-defense-2/

Best detoxifier? Listen to this as it relates to the above – https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-best-detox/ 

Also, pairing these foods with other foods can help decrease carcinogens, clear chemicals from our body, and add some protection. Listen to this – https://nutritionfacts.org/video/prolonged-liver-function-enhancement-from-broccoli/

To learn even more, go to Nutritionfacts.org

It is Not your Fault!

Let me share something with you, it is not your faultIf you find yourself not in control of food sometimes which I think most of us have struggled with at some point or another…listen up.

We are innately hard-wired to enjoy pleasurable experiences. This served our ancestors well during their time of surviving in the wild robust nature without them becoming food themselves! They learned that the most efficient way was to locate food that gave them the most fuel at one time. AND GET TO IT QUICK before being eaten by whatever was lurking around the corner! They discovered they must find food that encompassed the most calories at one sitting to help sustain them until their next unknown meal. They may have gathered and eaten 15 bananas at one time and left the watery lettuce until their next hopeful feast… which usually meant life or death for them.

So, what about today’s environment? Well, typically we don’t have to fight off anything big and wooly with large gnashing teeth looking to make us into their toothpick when we go to find something to sustain us. Instead, we leave our spears at home and grab the car keys and grocery bags. We are no longer choosing between a banana and watery lettuce; instead, we are choosing between a banana and a pizza, or cheeseburger, or greasy fries, or cake baked with trans-fat, you name it! Or we stay seated in our car and order through a drive-thru, continue to sit and eat while we drive. The options are endless and when they package them up so pretty, it is enticing as a kid on Christmas morning looking to tear open those presents! Who wouldn’t be tempted? We are stimulated by hearing about food on the radio, seeing it on TV with images of gooey yummy looking foods or you may attend a meeting and they bring sugar glazed donuts. So we “run” to the donuts, and the next thing we know, we’re crashing and tired at 2 PM looking for a pick-me-up! America is the sickest we have seen in today’s world! Yikes! But now we have a glimpse into part of the problem, right?

Instead of protecting and shielding ourselves from the saber-toothed tiger, we now have to protect and shield ourselves from the savory Cheeseburger advertisements and those magnets that pull your car into those convenient drive-thru places.

When we experience pleasure, a neurotransmitter called dopamine is released in our brain. We can feel this wonderful release of pleasure or “dopamine” by anything that makes us feel happy. It could be the excitement of when a new baby is born or enjoying a tub of ice-cream, to buying that new dress! Once we “feel” this pleasure, we want to repeat it because it feels good, but do you notice a wave of dopamine doesn’t last? Some of our “pleasurable food experiences” can spiral into some long-lasting unpleasurable health results. 

So, what do I mean? The more calorie-dense the food, the more of that happy hormone is released. And if our body is still programmed from our ancestors to seek out calorie dense foods, and we choose the wrong form… we are going to make ourselves sick. Like eating a moist chewy, oily, sugar laden candy bar vs a natural fresh piece of fruit and nuts. I’m not talking about a once in a while thing, we tend to do this too much! A lot of us no longer eat whole real foods like bananas, potatoes, beans, and veggies… instead, we are stimulated and made to feel like it is normal to eat something out of a package that may be ultra-processed. Or rely on fast foods that are thick with calories but lack nutrients to sustain us. We are feeding our bodies with unhealthy fats, preservatives, chemicals, pesticides, vegetable oils, high salt and high sugar intake. And let me tell you, a lot of food companies making ultra-processed food items are engineering them to hijack your tastebuds to want more of these high sugar, high salt, etc. Remember, higher calories and ingredients will stimulate that dopamine reaction to release and increase that “feel good” moment to come back for more! We did not evolve to eat ultra-processed unnatural foods. When we do, overtime our bodies start to malfunction after a while, right? Know anyone with digestive issues, stubborn adipose tissue, high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, skin issues, sleep issues, ongoing headaches, cancer, hormone imbalances, major mood swings, etc.? We are actually supposed to feel generally good, so if one feels bad/sick all the time, something we are fueling ourselves with is off.

I bet we could virtually agree that flowers would not do so well if we watered it with soda and sprayed it with hairspray? You would probably see some sad flowers… or if we put bleach in our car instead of gasoline, it may not run as well as we had hoped, right? Well, if flowers need specific fuel to grow, and our cars need specific fuel to work, why do we think we do not? Again, it is not your fault, unfortunately, our environment has desensitized us into thinking we are invincible and can eat and drink chemicals and be awesome. Until one day…we malfunction and develop something serious. We must stop pretending that food doesn’t matter, we must be aware of our surroundings.

I always hear “I could never give up milk-chocolate or cheese”. Well not your fault either, you’re possibly addicted. When we digest dairy, casomorphins (opioid peptides) are produced which activate the same receptors in our brain as morphine. This may be a reason that dairy like cheese or milk-chocolate may be addicting. Dairy has also been linked to encourage weight gain; considering cow’s milk was intended to grow a 60 lb. calf to a 700-pound cow as rapidly as possible. If you are trying to create a lean, healthy body, it may NOT “do a body good.” Including skim-milk, organic milk, whatever milk due to hormones within the milk specifically produced from the Mother cow for its baby calf to thrive. But instead we take it and consume it (not made for us) and it shifts our own hormones creating imbalances in our body. Recent studies have also associated dairy with increased risk of hip fractures and bone loss. Lastly, some dairy products carry high amounts of Phthalate-endocrine hormone disruptors (plastic chemical pollutants from the tubing/machine used on cows). These endocrine disruptors have been associated with increased abdominal fat, endometriosis in women, and reproductive health issues in men and women. What we used to survive on is sometimes not what is best to thrive on. Just like eating 15 bananas at one time may have kept them alive, but definitely not the best to thrive. For more information read- The China Study by Dr. T Colin Campbell and/or Keep it Simple, Keep it Whole – Your Guide to Optimum Health by Dr. Alona Pulde and Dr. Matthew Lederman.

So what do you do? Here are a couple ideas that can drastically help.

Don’t keep foods in your house that could potentially derail your health-progress. Even if you are relying on willpower, it will let you down at some point. That hardwire may just overpower you when the will is gone. Then a whole bag of chips is chosen over maybe a wholesome meal. If you don’t have access to it, it helps take away the chance of consuming it. Can’t hunt something that is not there…

If you find you always stop at a convenience store to “grab a snack” like a candy bar or whatever (insert calorie dense, non-nutritious pleasure here). Be prepared beforehand. Put on your grocery list something like a bag of organic, unsalted nuts and/or sulfur free, no added sugar dried fruit to keep in the car.

If you are going to a restaurant (especially if you go often), look at the menu ahead of time. Prepare and commit to finding something that will help you and not hinder you.

There are so many other hacks. And there are so many other alternatives to the calorie dense, non-nutritious options now that can fuel your body better without sacrificing taste and your health. You just have to care enough to look into it.

And remember your “why”, if you can’t avoid being around it, remember why you want to not have it or perhaps choose a healthier option… maybe it is – “that won’t help me get my cholesterol down I’ve been working so hard on”… or “that won’t help my blood sugar and I’m trying to avoid developing diabetes like my Dad”, or “every time I eat that it gives me a stomach ache and I feel terrible after”. Whatever the reason, remember “why” to trump that hardwired circuit!

Remember it is not your fault, but it is your responsibility if you want meaningful change. The power is in your hands.

Side Note: There is a lot of research on this, and I have only summarized the best I could from Dr. Pulde and Dr. Lederman on this subject who are sources more knowledgeable and can certainly articulate better than I. Of course, there is always much more to this, but this would end up being way longer than it already is! However, we have the same mission to share knowledge that may help us move forward in our lifetime.

Eat the Egg or to Not Eat the Egg?

You know how there is this ongoing debate about whether to eat the egg or not eat the egg?

Well darn it, just like I would say, if you like cake, eat the cake. The same goes for eggs, if you like eggs, eat the eggs. But like cake, I wouldn’t recommend you eat it every day. Or if you do, maybe we can look at some improvised ways so its a healthier version. I too enjoy a nice egg over medium on some toast once in a while myself. So what’s the problem? Things are being tossed around about fats and cholesterol… First, let’s see what our body does.

Our liver makes all the cholesterol our body needs. So yes, cholesterol is important, and we couldn’t live without it. But that is where people are getting confused. Even the American Heart Association knows that. We literally make our own cholesterol and anything that comes from dietary cholesterol adds to our already enough cholesterol in the body. I mean, have you ever heard of someone saying they have low cholesterol? Maybe, but it is their “HDL/good cholesterol” they are speaking of. Or you may hear someone say, we need to boost up our cholesterol for our hormones and to be strong. Yup, but it’s the HDL, not LDL. BIG DIFFERENCE! HDL is increased by non-saturated fats from walnuts, avocadoes, olives (not olive oil), chia seeds, ground flaxseeds, etc. That is where people get confused. They think that saturated fat is “essential”. NO! Omega fats are essential (we can’t live without eating them). Essential – meaning, we need to get it from our diets. Saturated fat = not essential for our body (don’t need to get it from our diet). But those selling their products won’t tell you that. When we start consuming saturated fat, that contributes to increased LDL (bad cholesterol). The one that creates plaque in your arteries.

There is so much confusion about fats just like people are confused about carbohydrates. Yaaahh AJ, but the ketogenic diet started to lower my cholesterol. Not for long… It’s starting to go down because you are likely decreasing your overall calories and processed foods. Now over time, when the body starts to regulate from that, it will then start to increase again and also increase your chances of developing diabetes and other conditions. Any smart Cardiologists (I know some) will agree that the ketogenic diet in the social media realm is dangerous. A ketogenic diet was specifically for those with a certain seizure disorder. It’s a very different diet than what is flashed around on social media.

Another breakdown – we know Whole foods are good; partial and processed foods are not. So, oil is not a whole food, it’s the fatty part of what was a whole food. So instead of olive oil, eat the olive. Instead of avocado oil, eat the avocado, instead of coconut oil, eat the coconut. You get the gist. Don’t be afraid of plant-food fats! WE NEED THEM! The fat from the whole food is good for us, just not when a factory processes it into just a concentrated fat. Plus, if you are watching your cholesterol and/or waistline, oil is extremely calorie dense, not nutrient dense surprisingly. Oil contains very little micronutrients with only (sometimes) a little bit of omega 3, but highly dense in saturated fats. Yes, I am happy to discuss the Mediterranean diet too. It wasn’t the olive oil contributing to health…

If you haven’t read my blog on how cholesterol impacts our brain. Read this…https://aj-macomber.com/2022/06/01/how-you-are-helping-your-brain-when-you-exercise/ 

Not only that, 50% of those with normal cholesterol ranges are still showing up (on angiograms) that they are having plaque build-up within their arteries. Uh oh. Major risk factor for heart attack and stroke. What is that due from? Saturated, trans-fat, cholesterol from eggs, dairy, vegetable oils, some processed foods, meats (especially processed meats), and fish.

Most folks may be familiar with the American Heart Association website. They had an article on why cholesterol matters a few years ago that might be helpful. On Cholesterol, they stated- “It is used in the body’s synthesis of various hormones and bile acids. Because it is in every cell, your liver makes all the cholesterol you need and then circulates it through the blood. It cannot dissolve in blood, and so particles known as lipoproteins help transport it from the liver to the cells via the bloodstream.” Here is the link: https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/cholesterol/about-cholesterol 
For me personally, I started to understand this concept when I studied anatomy and physiology. Then understanding Food-Science which can make it tricky for folks “to keep up with”. Goodness, there are about 24,000 articles published (that may be an understatement) in the English Medical Journal every year as it relates to how food affects our bodies. I get it and we must be vigilant about where we get our information as there’s so much ambiguity. “Fish and shellfish are also significant sources of cholesterol. Three ounces of bass has about 80 milligrams of cholesterol—the same amount found in a 3-ounce steak. Diets high in saturated fat and cholesterol can increase the risk for heart disease”. 

Now I’m NOT necessarily advocating for a meat free and processed free diet. We just need to do a lot better if we want to feel better and try our darndest to stay off medications and decrease our chances of disability… I’m not just talking about heart health either…Ill share this – Two out of the many resources that have inspired me and touches upon heart health that I found extremely helpful are –

*Dr. Caldwell B Esselstyne, Jr who became a highly successful doctor at one of the top medical institutions in the world (The Cleveland Clinic). He is a great resource! He presently directs the cardiovascular prevention and reversal program at The Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute. His work is absolutely jaw-dropping. He has a huge background and was the President of the staff, member of the Board of Governors, chairman of the Breast Cancer Task Force, and head of the Section of Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery. “Having published over 100 scientific papers, Dr. Esselstyn was named one of the best doctors in America in 1994-1995”. You can also check him out at: http://www.dresselstyn.com/site/biography/- I would like to get his book that he has out sometime.

*Lastly, another resource of mine is Dr. T Colin Campbell who assembled a world-class scientific team and worked with a leading epidemiologist (in the world) along with other amazing researchers physicians and key scientist who conducted “The China Study” which was and still considered the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted which also has info on heart health and many other chronic disease and cancer information as it relates to nutrition. 
My dream someday is that every Doctor could read the book “The China Study” especially the Revised and Expanded edition. His work validated a lot that I have been studying and has changed my life.
If you would like more resources, just private message me and I would be happy to share more.

REMEMBER: Enjoy the cake and/or enjoy the egg once in a while. What we do on occasion typically isn’t the problem. It is what we do everyday or consistently that creates the compound issue or the great outcome. I hope this helps!

For more references and educational information. Go to NutritionFacts.org.

What Does Your Blood Pressure Mean?    

The Top Number is your Systolic Blood Pressure— indicates how much pressure your blood is exerting against your artery walls when the heart beats.

The Bottom Number is your Diastolic Blood Pressure— indicates how much pressure your blood is exerting against your artery walls while the heart is resting between beats.

BP definition- “the pressure of the blood in the circulatory system, often measured for diagnosis since it is closely related to the force and rate of the heartbeat and the diameter and elasticity of the arterial walls.”

Typically, the focus is on the top number of your blood pressure reading (systolic blood pressure) as it may be a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease for people over 50. “In most people, systolic blood pressure rises steadily with age due to the increasing stiffness of large arteries, long-term build-up of plaque and an increased incidence of cardiac and vascular disease”. Experts also suggest that it may not necessarily be specific to age entirely but rather the western diet that impacts our artery health so severely. According to recent studies, the risk of death from ischemic heart disease and stroke doubles with every 20 mm Hg systolic or 10 mm Hg diastolic increase among people from age 40 to 89.

Blood Pressure Range:
Our Blood Pressure must be confirmed by a medical professional. A doctor should also evaluate you not just for high blood pressure but for low blood pressure

Why Does Blood Pressure Matter?

The American Heart Association and NutritionFacts.Org:

  • Blood Pressure is the #1 risk factor for death and disability in the world.
  • 1-3 adults have Hypertension.
  • If ones’ blood pressure rises and stays high over time, it can damage the kidneys, heart and blood vessels without any symptoms.
  • The brain can be damaged by strokes in patients with hypertension.
  • Blood vessels can be damaged, forming aneurysms that may burst and blood vessels in the eyes can be damaged that may cause blindness.

Some Factors That Can Increase BP such as:

  • Smoking
  • Lack of Physical activity
  • Too much Salt
  • Stress
  • Chronic Kidney disease, and more.

What are some Lifestyle changes you can start with to assist with lowering your BP?

Experts Suggest Changing the Way We Eat to Favor the following:

Whole food (unprocessed) plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, tubers, nuts, seeds and legumes are key. These foods can help bring your blood pressure down with the possibility of reducing the need for blood pressure medications. Plant-based foods are naturally rich in fiber, potassium and low in sodium, low in fat, and cholesterol. A plant-based diet is an easier way to reduce the amount of sodium, saturated fats and trans-fat.

When we decrease and/or avoid animal-fats (meat and dairy), added oils, and unhealthy processed foods, our blood becomes less viscous which means “thick.” By minimizing or avoiding animal fats and unhealthy processed foods, our blood becomes more like water and less sticky and/or thick-like grease.

With blood being more like “water” it will flow more easily through our arteries and our heart. This also helps the heart to not push as hard to keep our blood moving.


  • Taking 1-2 Tbsp. of Ground Flaxseed each day- most potent food hypertensive agent!
  • Drinking 1-2 Cups of Hibiscus Tea daily!
  • Drinking Japanese Green Tea!
  • Veggies! Vegetables dilate our arteries 4x better than the Standard American Diet!
  • Include Garlic and Onions- Just a ¼ tsp of Garlic may help our arteries function better.
  • Taking 1 Tbsp. (Max 2 TBs/day) of Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with water may protect arteries after a fatty meal by relaxing and dilating the arteries. It also assists with speeding up glucose disposal in the body and improve insulin action.
  • Reduce salt!
  • Eating Vitamin C rich foods such as Amla after a salty meal may help arteries, as salt impairs endothelial dilation. Amla is high in Vitamin C and has the highest number of antioxidants in the whole plant kingdom. Amla can assist with building collagen in the arteries as well!
  • Maintain a Healthy Weight- Exercise at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity each day.
  • Limit alcohol consumption (Women, no more than 1 glass/d and Men, no more than 2 glass/d).
  • Avoid Tobacco (damages arteries and raises BP).

Reference: NutritionFacts.org

Sodium- Ideal Daily Limit: <1,500 mg/d
Recommendation from the American Heart Association applies to the entire US population.

Elevated salt intake is not just associated with Elevated Blood Pressure, it is also associated with:

  • Stomach cancer
    • Recurrent Kidney stones
    • Osteoporosis
    • Obesity
    • Direct Kidney, arteries and cardiac damages.
    • Increased risk of strokes, aneurysms and atherosclerosis which is associated with Elevated Blood Pressure, it’s a domino effect!

Salt and blood pressure go together, the more salt we take in, the higher the blood pressure. Systemic hypertension is the major cause of stroke, of aortic dissection, a major contributor to aortic aneurism, and an accelerator or atherosclerosis. We all MUST decrease our salt intake!” –From the Editor in Chief of The America Journal of Cardiology

Side note: If sodium is higher than calories per serving, don’t buy it!

More Considerations – Consider Avoiding the Following:  

Experts have outlined in new studies that Fish Oil Supplements no longer helps cardiovascular and endothelial function. Fish Oil Supplements may hinder heart hearth.

In some recent studies along with meta-analysis studies, they have observed a statistically significant increase for heart attack risk by 86% among those that take calcium supplements. Also, there showed about a 65% increase in hip fractures with calcium supplements. However, there did not seem to be an association with cardiac risk by ingesting calcium through dietary (food) means. There are plenty of plant-based foods to get in calcium along with focusing on weight bearing exercises to assist with bone density.

Consider minimizing or avoiding animal fats (meat and dairy), oils and unhealthy processed foods, if there is concern for HTN or looking to decrease the chances of developing HTN.

This is for general information only, not a formal outline or guide. Over time, currency and completeness of the information may change. Recipients should seek medical advice from their licensed healthcare professional.

6-1-19 ~AJ

What Does Your Cholesterol Mean?

Bad/LDL (Low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol- can join with fats and other substances to build up in the inner walls of your arteries. The arteries can become clogged and narrow, and blood flow is reduced.

Good/HDL (High-density lipoprotein)- carries harmful cholesterol away from the arteries and helps protect us from a heart attack and stroke.

Triglycerides- are the most common type of fat in our bodies. They come from the food we eat. Our bodies make them as the body converts excess calories, sugar, and alcohol into triglycerides. Typically, high levels are found when one has high cholesterol (typically high Bad/LDL and lower Good/HDL). Triglycerides are a type of fat or “lipid” comprised of three fatty acids attached to glycerol.

  1. Saturated Triglycerides- Biggest dietary cause of high bad (LDL) cholesterol. (Found in butter, cheese, whole milk, dairy ice-cream, meats, poultry, and eggs.)
  2. Monounsaturated Triglycerides- Can help lower Cholesterol. (Found in avocados, nuts, and seeds.)
  3. Polyunsaturated Triglycerides Omega 3 + Omega 6- Can also help lower Cholesterol (Also found in avocados, flaxseed, and chia seeds).

Why Does Cholesterol Matter?

When our Cholesterol is high, it can decrease the blood flow to our heart! High Cholesterol leads to the buildup of plaque that can narrow our arteries and restrict blood flow. If the blood supply to part of the heart or brain is completely cut off, the results could be a heart attack and/or stroke! High cholesterol tends to be a silent detrimental issue with no apparent symptoms!

Our liver makes all the cholesterol we need. If we consume “dietary cholesterol” which comes from food items such as dairy fat (milk, cheese, butter, dairy ice-cream), meat, poultry, fish, tropical oils and many process foods can trigger our liver to make excess cholesterol.

  • Cholesterol can form a thick, hard deposit(s) throughout our arteries that can harden them and narrow them. This is called atherosclerosis. If a clot forms and blocks your artery that is now possibly narrowed, a heart attack or stroke can occur.
  • If someone smokes, has Diabetes or elevated Blood Pressure, it increases the risks even more for heart attack, stroke and/or coronary heart disease. More risks can increase the severity.
  • Research has shown that elevated cholesterol is associated with increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s as well- it’s amazing how much cholesterol can negatively impact our brains!!!

Remember- Paying attention to our cholesterol is VERY important—it is silent…When our Cholesterol is high, it decreases blood flow to our heart! High Cholesterol leads to the buildup of plaque that narrows the arteries and restricts blood flow. If the blood supply to part of the heart or brain is completely cut off, the result is a heart attack and/or stroke.

What are the Levels:

Total Cholesterol <200 mg/dl is desirable

•200-239 mg/dL borderline high

•>240 mg/dL considered high

LDL/Bad <100 mg/dL Optimal

•101-129 mg/dL near optimal if no risk factors)

•130-159 mg/dL borderline high

•160-189 mg/dL is high

•>190mg/dL very high

HDL/Good >60 mg/dL or higher is optimal

•41-59 mg/dL borderline low

•40 or less mg/dL very low

Triglycerides <150 Optimal

•150-199 Borderline

•200+ High

However, recent studies have shown that about 35% of heart attacks occur in people with a total cholesterol in the desired normal range between 150-200. The foods we eat have an enormous impact. About 50% with normal cholesterol, still have plaque build-up. That is why its important to focus on essential fats and not non-essential fats. Having good cholesterol is just one important part!

What Can We Do to Help our Cholesterol?

What we Eat has a huge effect! Eating whole foods (unprocessed) plant-based foods such as- fruits, vegetables, whole grains, tubers, nuts, seeds and legumes can help bring cholesterol down. Eating healthily brings possibility of reducing the need for cholesterol medications. Plant-based foods are naturally rich in fiber, potassium and low in sodium, low in fat, and cholesterol. A plant-based diet is an easier way to reduce the amount of sodium, saturated fats and trans-fat.

When we minimize or avoid animal-fats (meat and dairy), added oils, and other unhealthy processed foods, our blood becomes less viscous which means “thick.” By minimizing or avoiding animal fats and unhealthy processed foods, our blood becomes more like water and less sticky and/or thick-like grease.

With blood being more like “water” it will flow more easily through our arteries and our heart. This also helps the heart to not push as hard to keep our blood moving.

  • FIBER!! Soluble fiber including, oatmeal, fruits, dried fruits, vegetables, legumes such as kidney beans has a powerful way of busting up cholesterol!
  • By Stopping smoking, the good cholesterol can likely improve by as much as another 10%. 
  • Also, it’s been shown that eating 2 Brazilian Nuts per Week has a positive impact on supporting cholesterol levels. Also, by incorporating AMLA powder has also shown to markedly improve one’s cholesterol!
  • Reducing saturated fat to no more than 5-6% of our total daily calories (for the standard 2,000 calories) a day (about 11-13 grams of saturated fat) has been shown to assist with decreasing cholesterol. Even better if avoided!
  • Unsaturated fats found in avocados, walnuts, and olives (not olive oil) may help improve blood cholesterol in place of saturated fats.

Note: These ranges above are not absolute, only your medical practitioner/provider can interpret specifically for you. There are other factors to be considered along with other possible tests and measurements that may need to be performed. This is general information only, not a formal outline or guide. Over time, currency and completeness of the information may change. Recipients should seek medical advice from their licensed healthcare professional.  6-1-19 ~AJ

Eat Seasonal Local Produce To Boost Nutrition Intake and Save Money Doing It!

“Locally and in season generally costs less than eating imported and out-of-season produce. This is because, typically, if produce demands can be met by local farmers, much of the transportation costs are cut out. If food needs to be imported from other regions of the country and the world to meet demand, however, prices increase. 

For example, one study found that cantaloupe costs 36% less in peak season than in the off-season.”

Here is a guide to seasonal produce!


And here is a great blog as it relates to the benefits of consuming local and seasonal produce! It also includes if you can’t make this happen and how you can approach it. Enjoy!


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