AJ’s Holiday Cookies

These are organic, dairy-free, grain-free, refined-sugar-free treats! Enjoy!

Bake: 350 degrees x 10 minutes – Use Large Cookie sheet with Parchment paper (non-bleached).


  • 1 Cup Almond Flour (pack-down when measuring)
  • ¾ Cup Coconut Sugar
  • ½ Cup of Crunchy Peanut Butter
  • ½ Cup of Cashew Butter
  • ½ Tbs of 100% Vanilla Extract
  • ½ tsp of Himalayan Pink Salt
  • ½ tsp of Baking Soda
  • 2 Large Eggs
  • 1 Cup of Evolved Chocolate Chips
  • Hu Chocolate Gems, you’ll add 1 on top of each cookie!


Whisk the Eggs and Vanilla Extract well.

Add Coconut Sugar & Almond Flour.

Add Baking Soda & Salt.

Add Peanut & Cashew Butter.

Mix well, then fold in the chocolate chips.

Use a Tablespoon to scoop out each cookie and space evenly on cookie sheet (They expand quite a bit).

Then add one Hu Chocolate Gem to the middle of each cookie, press into middle.

Note: The brands of butters & chocolate chips/gems I have pictured below seem to be the best texture & taste. Also, I love that they are organic with simple ingredients. Highly recommend! I’ve tried other brands, and it doesn’t come out quite the same. Still awesome, but found this combo is the bomb! If you can’t find such brands at your local grocery store, natural food store, or Whole Foods store…Amazon it!

Venison Veggie Bean Chili


  • 1-1.5 pounds Ground Venison Burger (or substitute w/bison burger)
  • 1 can (14oz) Black Lentils (drained/lightly rinsed)
  • 1 can (14oz) Kidney Beans (drained)
  • 1 can (14oz) Black Beans (drained)
  • 4 cups/20oz Cubed Butternut Squash or Sweet Potatoes
  • 1 (28 ounce) can No-Salt-Added Crushed Tomatoes
  • 6 oz of Tomato Paste
  • 2 cups Filtered Water
  • 1 Green Pepper Diced
  • 1 Yellow Onion Diced (large or two small onions)
  • 2 Green Onions (chopped)


  • 1 TBSP of Date Powder
  • 1 TBSP Cumin Powder
  • 1 TBSP Garlic Powder (or fresh)
  • 3 TBSP Chili Powder
  • 1 tsp Himalayan Salt
  • ½ tsp Cinnamon Powder
  • ½ tsp Cayenne Pepper (+/-)
  • ¼ tsp Black Pepper
  • Liquid Aminos for Seasoning the Venison (lightly sprinkled over the meat)


  1. Add all ingredients and spices together in crockpot (mix well).
  2. Sauté Venison burger, break it up into small pieces, add a light sprinkle laying across the meat with liquid aminos and a nice layer of garlic powder. Cook until it is no longer pink (medium-high heat/about 5-6 mins). Once cooked, add the rest of the ingredients in the crockpot. Mix well!

Cooking Duration:

Set for High x 4 hours or Low for 8 hours. For the best results, try mixing the ingredients half-way through. Be careful, very hot!

Optional: Serve w/Sourdough Toast, Avocado Slices and Garlic Hummus as a yummy alternative to sour cream! This is also delicious served over Brown Rice Pastas or fresh Veggies! Enjoy!

Note: Check out Shaw’s ‘Organic’ brand – affordable and their cans come BPA free, most without added sugar or salt.

Also, can find Venison or Bison Burger at Shaw’s as well.

Baked Granola

A lot of granola and granola bars may have unhealthy sugars and oils. If you can’t find one that meets healthy standards, here is a recipe I pulled from the Forks Over Knives Cookbook! You could certainly use this as a “base” and add anything else you may desire. Examples may include adding: pumpkin seeds, ground flaxseed, walnuts, dried mango, dried coconut, dried cranberry, etc.

Makes Sixteen ½-Cup Servings

• 8 Cups Rolled Oats

• 1 ½ Cups of Pitted and Chopped Dates (Medjool dates are so yummy-FYI)

• Zest of 2 oranges

• 1 tsp of ground Cinnamon

• 1 tsp of pure Vanilla extract

• ½ tsp of Himalayan Pink Salt or to taste

Preheat oven to 275 F

• Add the oats to a large mixing bowl and set aside. Line two 13×18 inch baking pans with parchment paper.

• Place the dates in a medium saucepan with 2 Cups of water, bring to a boil, and cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes. Add more water if needed to keep the dates from sticking to the pan. Remove from the heat, add the mixture to a blender with the orange zest, cinnamon, vanilla and salt and process until smooth and creamy.

• Add the date mixture to the oats and mix well. Divide the granola between the two prepared pans and spread it evenly in the pans. 

• Bake for 40-50minutes, stirring every 10 minutes, until the granola is crispy.

• Remove from the oven and let cool before storing in an airtight container (the cereal will get even crispier as it cools). 

Pre-Workout Gingerbread Oat Energy Balls

My Pre-Workout recipe that is super easy to make, and easy to take on the go!

I also share some fun facts about why I chose the specific nutrient dense ingredients to fuel the body along with discussing a nutrient we should try to consume daily! Some consumed by Aztec warriors and ingredients used referred to a 10,000-year-old-Redbull. Plus, you’ll learn some random stuff like Chia is the ancient Mayan word for “strength”. You’ll see.

Plus, they can be turned into a healthy type of dessert with one tip!

I hope you enjoy!


10 Medjool Dates (pitted)

1 Cup of Raw Pecan Halves (sometimes I’ll mix in Walnuts)

2 Tbs of Blackstrap Molasses, not sulphured

1 Tbs of Roasted Peanut Butter or Nut Butter of Choice

1 tsp of Ginger Powder

¼ tsp of Cinnamon Powder

2 Tbs of Chia Seeds + 1/4 Cup of Water

1 Tbs of Ground Flaxseed + 2 Tbs of Water

1 Cup of Sprouted Rolled Oats


  • Mix Chia Seeds, Ground Flaxseeds, Water, Molasses, and Spices into a small bowl and let sit for 5 Minutes.
  • Take all ingredients and place into a food processor and blend!
  • Scoop out the desired size onto parchment paper (if scooped out with a Tablespoon, makes about 25 energy balls).
  • Can eat immediately, but better chilled!

Side Notes:

Can keep in the refrigerator for 1 week.

If I use Peanut Butter, I ensure to find brands that encompass ingredients of unsalted roasted organic peanuts with no additives, such as no added oils, sugars, etc. Almond Butter, I ensure the ingredients are from raw organic almonds, no additives as well!

For a healthy dessert alternative- dip energy balls into melted vegan chocolate (cacao not cocoa) and sprinkle with coconut flakes!

Chill and enjoy this fiber packed snack!

Why did AJ choose these ingredients?

Blackstrap Molasses- Is highly nutritious, rich in iron, potassium, calcium, selenium, copper, manganese, and B6. B6 naturally occurring is helpful to raise serotonin levels in our brain to help with lifting fatigue, mood, and decrease pain.

Chia Seeds- Chia is the ancient Mayan word for “strength”! This powerful seed is great for energy along with encompassing some of the richest plant-based omega-3 (healthy fats). They are also packed full of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, dietary fiber, and are a complete source of protein. Chia seeds are excellent for boosting energy and supporting exercise performance! In the book “Born to Run” the author talks about a Northwest Mexican tribe (Tarahumara Indians) as super athletes, who maybe some of the world’s greatest long-distance runners who literally run hundreds of miles at a time “for fun”. It was their diet that they were interested in to understand what fueled them. Come to find out, one of the things that they consumed before running is a drink called “iskiate”, in which the author referred to it as the “10,000-year-old-Redbull”. It included- water, chia seeds, and lemon.

Ground Flaxseed- Superfood it is! Its potency is helpful in reducing cholesterol, reducing sugar cravings, improving digestion, clearer skin, helping with balancing hormone and much more! Flaxseed may be one of the oldest cultivated crops known to man, even consumed by Aztec warriors. Some Nutrition Experts and Cardiologist are recommending 1-2 Tbs every single day!

Ginger- Contains quite an array of important vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger can assist with digestion, nausea, menstrual cramps, joint and muscle pain along with boosting your immunity to fight off infections.

Sprouted Oats- Sprouted oats are high in fiber and a good source of plant-based protein and complex carbohydrates! Sprouted grains in general, tend to carry healthier benefits due to lower phytic acid (mineral blocker).

Medjool Dates- Packed full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. This sweet fruit of the date palm tree makes for a great natural sweetener. These dates are commonly consumed in the Mediterranean diet. The sugar is easily processed by the body and readily available for energy.  In some parts of the world, these dates are recognized as the afternoon “pick-me-up”. They are also rich in calcium and phosphorus. Only 1-2 a day for that energy burst!

There is a nutrient that over 95% of Americans are deficient in- This nutrient is essential for a healthy diet, key in toxin removal, bad cholesterol removal, lowering the risks of heart disease, diabetes, weight management, and some cancers. This nutrient is fiber.

“This deficit is stunning in that dietary fiber has been protectively associated in population studies with the risk of diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and various cancers as well as high cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugars. Therefore, it is not surprising that fiber is listed as a nutrient of concern reported by the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. Protein is not.” 

New to High Fiber? If one is not used to having a high fiber meal and/or snack- the body needs to adjust. You may experience bloating, cramping, excess flatulence, and irregular stools until the body becomes appropriately adjusted.  It’s worth the adjustment for our health! Be patient with it.

Other Ingredients within this recipe: Walnuts, Pecans, Cinnamon and sometimes Peanut Butter and/or Almond butter is mixed in! All have their benefits as well!

Thank you for reading and hopefully tasting!

~A.J.  Anna-Jane Macomber- CPT, CSCT, CHN, CSN

Good energy and good health to you! Stay cool, don’t forget to breathe, love yourself, move that body, and eat well! 

Switchel – The Natural Homemade Sports Drink!

Switchel – The Natural Homemade Sports Drink!

Switchel is also known as the Haymaker’s Punch from possibly over 100 years ago to help farmers stay hydrated and maintain their electrolytes. It is quite delicious! The first four ingredients (apple cider vinegar, maple syrup, sea salt, and a 1-inch piece of ginger root is part of the original switchel recipe). Some like to add Organic 100% grape juice as it tastes like grape Gatorade!

Fueling our body with clean ingredients will help our human engines in the most optimal way. Most common commercialized sports drinks contain processed sugars, artificial flavors, and ingredients in which we should try to avoid as they can hinder our overall health.

Below is a recipe from the No Meat Athlete Cookbook with my added commentary!

Grape Switchel Recipe

Nutrition Information Serving size:

5 cups Calories: 251 Fat: 0 g Carbohydrates: 66 g Sodium: 609 mg Fiber: 0 g Protein: 1 g


• 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar (helps with stomach upset and nausea)

• 2 tablespoons maple syrup (contains magnesium and potassium)

• 4 cups (960 ml) filtered water

• ¼ teaspoon of sea salt

• 1 cup grape juice (use organic if possible)

Side notes from AJ: Even though this recipe does not include ginger, I highly recommend keeping the ginger (minced or ginger powder 1/4-1/2 tsp) in this recipe. Ginger has a powerful natural anti-inflammatory component along with carrying antioxidants. Ginger encompasses the presence of oil called gingerol which is excellent for digestion, nausea, and boosting immunity. Also, ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties can also help soothe sore muscles after a hard workout!


• Shake then refrigerate overnight and drink.

• Refrigerate overnight to allow the flavors to join.

• Store in a Glass Container, never plastic (large mason jars are an easy option).

• From the cookbook- Another option is to mix everything but the water together and freeze in ice-cube trays, then portion them out into your hydration pack or bottles.

For more fun info on all things ginger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEGx5OdOIn0 or https://draxe.com/nutrition/10-medicinal-ginger-health-benefits/

Increase Athletic Performance Plus More+ With This Tip!

🌱Looking for a natural energy drink to include in your day or before a workout to increase athletic performance? Read on 😃

Drinking organic beetroot juice 1⁄2 cup (more is not better) about 2-3 hours before a workout has shown to assist with increased performance (additional tasty recipe below). With anecdotal evidence and supporting evidence that oxygenating our blood with vegetables such as beets do not only increase our athletic performance but may assist with decreasing our blood pressure, help circulation, boost energy, increase sexual function, increase oxygen to our brain for cognitive health, and much more.

Nitrates in veggies such as beets, spinach, garlic, arugula, celery, radishes, kale, etc. metabolize in the blood and tissue to form nitric oxide aka “NO”. Nitric oxide seems to be a key player in our whole central nervous system. “Potentially, there could be additional benefits for athletes as it may help to increase oxygen in contracting muscles, decrease (ATP) adenosine triphosphate cost during exercise, increase tolerance to long-term high-intensity exercise, and time to exhaustion.”


Beetroot juice, garlic, spinach, and other foods high in nitrates help blood flow by dilating blood vessels along with having a natural ergogenic aid for athletes. This makes it easier for blood to move throughout the vessels of the body so that the heart does not have to pump as hard. Ironically, when we consume just one meal rich in saturated fats and oils such as from a Sausage-Egg McMuffin, our arteries have an immediate elevation in inflammation and within a few hours our arteries become virtually paralyzed and cuts down their ability to open. This makes it harder for our circulatory system to function optimally and likely you will feel sluggish. The body actually will release less nitric oxide.

By including foods that form into nitric oxide, it acts as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and where it naturally works as a vasodilator (opens those pipes throughout the body) it can assist with increase sexual function/arousal in both men & women. Think about how Viagra works (through nitric oxide pathways). Ladies, nitric oxide helps us too. Interestingly enough, Viagra was originally designed for a heart medication, but they found, well you know the rest… Any who, this molecule “NO”, you could literally do a deep dive study on. There is so much neat info on it. For example, NO can help regulate enzymes to assist with digestion. Even some Statins I understand can upregulate an enzyme that boosts nitric oxide. Even think about what nitroglycerin converts to…

Nitric oxide is important in more ways than one! In the medical world, and naturally! Okay, okay… I digress… Our arteries need all the veggies folks! What is good for our brain, is good for our heart, our muscles, reproductive organs, and more! So, fuel the body well with those veggies! #eattherainbow

Check out https://draxe.com/nutrition/beetroot-juice/ as Dr. Axe discusses other valuable benefits, along with how to choose beets, how to prepare them, and some possible risks certain individuals may need to be aware of before trying it. Of course, the YUMMY recipe!  https://draxe.com/recipes/sweet-beet-juice/

Tip – You’ve probably heard me say “take some conscious big, long breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth”. Our nose makes NO (our mouth does not), so when we breathe deeply in through our nose – the NO helps to dilate our bronchioles (our airways) to help get more oxygen into your lungs! P.S. The father of nitric oxide is Dr. Louis Ignarro. Look him up, absolutely outstanding!

Disclaimer: This information is for general wellness and general nutrition-related information/education which is not a substitute for medical care. One should speak to their medical provider before starting or continuing any dietary changes to ensure one’s safety. Remember to listen to your body. Individual needs vary.

The Tarahumara Indians Natural Energy Drink

Iskiate (IS-kee-ah-tay) or as we call it here Chia Fresca

If you need a pick-me-up, read on about the magic of Chia seeds!

Chia Seeds– Chia is the ancient Mayan word for “strength”! This powerful seed is great for energy along with encompassing some of the richest plant-based omegas (healthy fats). They are also packed full of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, dietary fiber, and are a complete source of protein. Chia seeds are excellent for boosting energy and supporting exercise performance! In the book “Born to Run” the author talks about a Northwest Mexican tribe (Tarahumara Indians) as super athletes, who may be some of the world’s greatest long-distance runners who literally run hundreds of miles at a time “for fun”. It was their diet that they were interested in to understand what fueled them. Come to find out, one of the things that they consumed before running is a drink called “iskiate”, in which the author referred to as the “10,000-year-old-Redbull”. It included- water, chia seeds, and lemon or lime. These days it’s also often known as Chia Fresca.


  • 10-12 oz of water
  • 1-2 Tbsp dry chia seeds
  • A few teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice
  • Raw honey or maple syrup (optional)

Stir the chia seeds into the water; let them sit for about five minutes. The more it sits, the more gel-like the seeds and water become. If you don’t like the gel-like texture, you can hide these ingredients easily into a strawberry smoothie, etc.! P.S. I always drink with a straw to help keep the acidity off my teeth and gums. I usually start my morning off with this even before coffee and/or tea. You may find you may not need coffee or tea… how dare I say that, lol!

Fueling our body with natural ingredients will help our human engines in the most optimal way. Most common commercialized energy drinks contain processed sugars, artificial flavors, and ingredients which we should try to avoid as they can hinder our overall health.

For example: Celsius I think is the new craze for an energy drink, as it states that it is “packed with 7 essential vitamins, no high fructose corn syrup, no aspartame, no preservatives, and/or no artificial colors or flavors”. That is a great start, but they still managed to keep sucralose in there as their non-sugar sweetener. A new study published in the JAMA (one of the largest to-date to examine how the brain responds to sucralose) … which is an artificial sweetener found in Splenda, by the way … “Sucralose was found to increase activity in the regions of the brain responsible for food cravings and there was an overall decrease in the hormones that help the body feel full”. In general, artificial sweeteners were first used as insecticides and most metabolism to formaldehyde in our body.  Not only that, but it can also trick our body’s response and may increase our insulin by 20%. They may also increase issues with migraines, fibromyalgia, ulcerative colitis, and more… Just a heads up!

*I also have a sports electrolyte drink that I’ll share some time for those hot long days!

Hot Cocoa alternative (Carob)

A chocolate alternative for those prone to Acne, Migraines, and Digestive Issues…

I am obsessed with this hot creamy chocolate-y tasting hello to my soul delectable drink.

Well at least to my taste buds, may not be for everyone! LOL

I have been playing around with a recipe to get a healthier-type version of hot cocoa but without some of the ingredients that bother me. This is not actually chocolate at all! This recipe is made with Carob! Carob is a bean from the legume family, yes beans!The Carob evergreen tree is native to the Mediterranean region and the Middle East. Stay with me, don’t knock it until you try it. LOL!! Seriously!!! And there are some health benefits!

Why would I do that? For me personally, I’m prone to acne breakouts and have found that even dairy-free, cane-sugar free chocolate still breaks me out! So….. I have found my alternative so I can still enjoy some of my favorite treats with ingredients that will work for me!

Carob may also be a good alternative for those that have digestive issues or have been told to steer away from chocolate due to the caffeine and/or tyramine, a compound found in chocolate that can trigger migraines!

You can use carob powder and carob chips the same way as you would chocolate in almost all recipes!

Carob is:

  • Caffeine-free
  • Tyramine-free (a compound found in chocolate that can trigger migraines)  
  • High fiber
  • Contains Antioxidants
  • Gluten-free
  • Naturally sweet, not bitter in which can satisfy one’s sugar cravings naturally.  
  • A delectable way to still enjoy one’s favorite sweet treats with fewer calories, fat, and sugar.

 Random fact: If you happen to drop a piece on the floor and your dog comes rushing over like a vacuum cleaner – according to the ASPCA, it is non-toxic to dogs and cats.

Recipe: Place all ingredients in a pot over med-high heat, whisk all together. Whisk frequently until you have it to the warm/hot temperature you wish. Enjoy! This serving will fill a large mug or two small mugs.

·         1 heaping TBS Organic Carob Powder (found on Amazon and sometimes Natural Food stores)

·         1 TBS Organic Maine Maple Syrup

·         1 ¾ Cup Organic Chobani Extra Creamy Oat Milk (found at Hannafords/Shaws)

·         1 Dash Organic Cayenne Pepper (I know, but it gives it that chocolate burn) trust me! LOL

·         2 Dashes Organic Cinnamon

Optional: Top off with Coconut Whipped Cream and Cinnamon sprinkles!

Lentil Mushroom Mashed Potatoes

Prepare Potatoes:

Wash, and cut into quarters. Peeling optional.

Bring a pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add potatoes, ensuring enough water to cover potatoes and cook until tender, about 15 minutes.

Drain, and Mash.

Add Oat or Flaxseed Milk to potatoes (usually no more than a 1/2- 1 Cup depending on the desired consistency of your liking).

Add Garlic Powder, Himalayan Salt, and Black Pepper as needed. Certainly, lightly on salt.

Sprinkle finished mashed potatoes with Parsley.

Sautee in a separate pan Mushrooms and Onion with desired spices of choice. Once cooked, add in 1-2 Cans of Organic Black Lentils (drained). Add Organic Corn if desired.

Mix and use mushrooms, onions, lentils, and corn mix for Potato topping.

Amounts vary, depending on how much, there is no wrong way of doing it. Just play around with your desired amounts.


AJ’s Organic Homemade Plant-Based Bread & Butter

AJ’s Organic Homemade Vegan Bread

  • 3 Cups of Spelt Flour (Whole Wheat Flour works well also)
  • 1 Packet of Instant Yeast (8-11 grams)
  • 1/4 tsp of Him Salt
  • 2 Tbs of 100% Maple Syrup
  • 1 3/4 Cups of Water

Mix and immediately transfer to Loaf Pan, cover and let sit for about 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes, cook @ 390 deg. x 40 minutes!


Note: Its crusty on the outside and moist in the middle! Yum!!

AJ’s Organic Homemade Vegan Butter

  • 1/2 Cup of Organic Coconut Oil (room temp)
  • 1/8 tsp of Turmeric Powder
  • 1/4-1/2 tsp of Onion Powder (taste test)
  • 1/4-1/2 tsp of Garlic Powder (taste test)
  • 1/4-1/2 tsp of Him Salt (taste test)

Mix and Enjoy!

AJ’s Organic Fall Sweet Yam Bisque


• 3 large sweet yams- diced
• 3 large carrots- chopped
• 3 celery stocks-chopped
• 1 large onion- peeled and diced
• 3 cloves garlic- peeled and minced
• 6 cups low-sodium vegetable broth
• 1 orange-freshly squeezed
• 1 Tbs ginger powder (or freshly grated)
• ½ tsp thyme spice
• ½ tsp ground nutmeg
• ½ tsp of Cayenne (taste test, add more if you like)
• 1-2 Tbs of garlic powder (yes more garlic)
• 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
• 1½ cups unsweetened plain almond milk (sometimes Ill use 16 oz/1 lbs of red lentils (pre-cooked) instead of almond milk. It adds more protein, thickness and is delightful!
• Himalayan Salt and freshly ground black
pepper to taste
• Fresh Parsley (or dried) to sprinkle on top of
each soup serving!


Sauté onion over medium heat for 10 minutes. Add water (1 to 2 tablespoons) at a time to keep the onion from sticking to the pan.

Add all the spices and cook for 1 minute.

Add the sweet yams, carrots, celery, vegetable stock, orange juice and bring the pot to a boil over high heat.

Reduce the heat to medium- Cover and cook for 25 minutes, or until the yams are tender.

Puree the soup using a blender/food processor with a tight-fitting lid. Use a big ladle to transfer and be careful as it is HOT! Sometimes using two pots is easier for the transfer process!

Return the soup to the pot and add the almond milk, stir well- If you use lentils instead, puree with rest of the soup!

Cook for an additional 5 minutes, or until heated through, and season with H-salt and pepper (optional add 1 can of garbanzo beans).

Top with Parsley and Enjoy!

Chickpea Spaghetti and Sauteed Veggies Dish

Cook as instructed on Organic Chickpea Spaghetti box (different versions from Hannafords, Shaws, Local Natural Food Markets)

Separately sautee washed mushrooms and onions. Once the onions are almost clear, add the prewashed broccoli.

I use Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Himalayan Salt, and Black Pepper.

Add Raw Veggies to the side with a dollop of Garlic Hummus.

I only used Garlic Pepper and a sprinkle of H. Salt and Pepper for the spaghetti and mixed in a bit of hummus for moisture!


Pumpkin Spice Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins (or Cookies)


  • 2 ½ cups of Oat Flour
  • 2 tsp of baking soda
  • ½ tsp of baking powder
  • 1 tsp of ginger powder
  • 1-½ tsp of cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp of nutmeg
  • 1 can of pumpkin puree
  • 1/3 cup of pure 100% maple syrup (1/2 cup for cookies)
  • 1/3 cup of unsweetened applesauce
  • 1 large banana or 2 small banana’s-mashed
  • 1 bag of Vegan Choc Chips (optional) cranberries are nice as well. My favorite Chocolate chips are from Evolved! Simple and amazingly delish!


Mix dry ingredients in one bowl
Mix wet ingredients in another bowl
Combine ingredients and fold in vegan chocolate chips
Place in non-stick muffin tins and bake!

350 deg. x12-18 minutes (depends on how thick) use toothpick or fork check!

Notes: For cookies (same recipe), place on parchment paper!

1 2