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Disclaimer: AJ Macomber is not a Medical Doctor, Practitioner, or a Licensed Registered Dietitian. I understand that AJM is not here for medical diagnostics, treatment procedures, or nutrition therapy. I understand that I should seek medical advice and be closely monitored by my physician or a licensed health care professional before I choose to start or continue any lifestyle changes such as but not limited to dietary changes, supplemental changes, or physical activity changes, especially if I may be pregnant, or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions.
NUTRITION COMMUNICATION EXCHANGE DISCLAIMER NOTICE: Recipients should seek medical advice and be closely monitored by their physician or a licensed health care professional before starting or continuing any lifestyle changes such as but not limited to, dietary changes, supplement changes, or physical activity changes, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions. You should read any information provided by the product manufacturer and any product label or packaging prior to using any medication, nutritional, herbal, food, homeopathic or other products. Certain medications may have contraindications with introducing or continuing any supplemental or dietary changes, and that medications may need adjustments before and/or during your lifestyle changes. Adverse effects may lead to permanent damage or death if your medication(s) and/or healthcare needs are not properly monitored and amended between you and your have physician. Do not disregard or delay medical advice or treatment because of any nutrition-related information that has been shared with you. Your decisions regarding your health and wellness are ultimately your own responsibility and the information provided is not to be taken as absolute nor is it a substitute for your medical care. Nutritional or supplemental suggestions including information that may be provided directly or by linking to a third-party, or any affiliates are intended for your general nutrition-related information and education only and we will not be held accountable for the use or misuse of any suggestions described therein. Please note that, over time, currency and completeness of the information may change. These services or information provided do not promise or guarantee protection from past, present, or future illnesses and it should not be construed as dispensing medical advice or claiming to diagnose, treat, prevent, mitigate, prescribe, or cure any diseases, conditions, mental or physical, real or imaginary and that it is not a substitute for regular medical or psychological care.